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Showing posts with label YOGA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YOGA. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 June 2022



The importance of yoga is spreading all over the world.  June 21 is now celebrated as International Yoga Day.  Yoga is an invaluable gift to mankind from the ancient Indian culture, which has been adopted by most of the countries of the world today.  Our learned sages received this knowledge through vision.  In 2000 BC, Maharshi Patanjali gave it a classical form and divided it into eight steps, which include Asana, Dhyana, Dharana, Pratyahara, Samadhi etc.  He has described these eight steps in his Granth Yogasutra.  That is why this yoga path is called Ashtanga Yoga.  +

All over the world.  The 21st anniversary is celebrated as Yoga Day 2022.  This year  The eighth International Yoga Day will be celebrated on June 21, 2022.  This year Yoga Day will be celebrated on the theme "Yoga for Humanity".  F.  6 All over the world 1457 Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual system.  Our country India is the only one that gives the gift of yoga.  Yoga is a Sanskrit word which means to connect or unite.  Yoga symbolizes the union of body and soul.  Yoga is a spiritual discipline.  Today yoga is practiced in different forms all over the world and its popularity is also increasing day by day.  Yoga has been a part of our Indian culture for centuries.  Yoga is associated with meditation in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.  (O C C 60 P The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Bhai Modi first discussed Yoga at the United Nations General Assembly.  , Not jointly pressing the matter in this matter

Important Link : Click Here

Prime Minister Modi said about yoga in the UN General Assembly, "Yoga is an invaluable gift to the world of India's ancient tradition.  Yoga is a holistic approach to the unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment: harmony between man and nature, health and well-being.  

 Yoga is a holistic approach to the unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment: harmony between man and nature, health and well-being. 

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Thursday, 22 July 2021

મુદ્રા, યોગાસનો અને તેના ફાયદા | Yogas and its benefits (Pranayam, Asan)

 મુદ્રા, યોગાસનો અને તેના ફાયદા | Yogas and its benefits (Pranayam, Asan)

nternational Yoga Day 21st June : Yoga is the health of body and mind. All-round education with physical education.

મુદ્રા, યોગાસનો અને તેના ફાયદા


કપાલભાતી લાભ : આ ક્રિયા દ્વારા કપાલ , ફેફસાં , શ્વાસ વાહિનીઓ અને સ્વરયંત્રમાં જામેલો કફ દૂર થાય . ( દશથી વીસ સ્ટ્રોક ત્રણ વાર)

અનુલોમ - વિલોમ લાભ : લોહીમાં ઓકિસજન વધુ પ્રમાણમાં ભળવાથી રક્ત શુદ્ધ બને છે ધ્યાન મુદ્રા

ભ્રામરી લાભ : ચિત્તની ચંચળતા દૂર થાય છે . 

વીતરાગમુદ્રા : માનસિક શાંતિ મળે

પૃથ્વી મુદ્રા : શારીરિક દુર્બળતા દુર થાય 

શંખમુદ્રા : થાઇરોઇડ ગ્રંથીના રોગ દુર થાય

પ્રાણમુદ્રા : પ્રાણ શક્તિનો વિકાસ થાય

નમસ્કારમુદ્રા : મન સ્થિર અને એકાગ્ર બને

જ્ઞાનમુદ્રા : બુધ્ધિ શક્તિમાં વધારો થાય

પીઠ પર સુઇને કરવાના આસનો 

સેતુબંધ સર્વાગાસન લાભ : ગરદન , પીઠ , કાંડા તથા હાથ મજબુત બને, શરીરના અવયવો વધુ શક્તિ સંપન્ન બને પવન 

મુક્તાસના લાભ : પાચન અવયવોની ક્ષતિ દુર થાય તથા તેમની કાર્યદક્ષતા વધે, કમર અને પીઠનો દુઃખાવો દૂર થાય . 

શવાસન લાભ : શારીરિક તથા માનસિક થાક દૂર થાય, ઉચ્ચ રક્ત દબાણ , દયની બિમારીઓ અનિદ્રા , માનસિક તણાવ જેવા રોગોમાં રાહત મળે 

પેટ પર સુઇને કરવાના આસનો 

ભુજંગાસન લાભ : પેટના અવયવોને માલીશ મળે અને એ સ્વસ્થ રહે, બહેનોને માસિક દરમ્યાન થતા દુઃખાવામાં રાહત મળે તથા માસિકની અનિયમિતતા દૂર થાય, ગરદાનના સ્નાયુઓ મજબુત બને . 

શલભાસન લાભ : પેટની તકલીફ , કબજીયાત અને ગેસ દૂર થાય, વધારાની ચરબી દૂર થાય અને તેની ચેતાઓ કાર્યક્ષમ બને, હરસ દૂર થાય 

મકરાસન લાભ : આંતરડા સક્રિય બને છે જેના કારણે ગેસ તથા મળાવરોધ દૂર થાય, માનસિક તણાવ અને અનિંદ્રા દૂર થાય . કે ચરબી ઘટે .

બેસીને કરવાના આસનો 

ભદ્રાસન લાભ : ગભશિયની અને શુક્રગ્રંથીઓની નિર્બળતા દૂર થાય, સ્ત્રીઓમાં રજ : પિંડની જડતા અને અનિયમિત મહતુસ્ત્રાવની તકલીફ દૂર થાય , 

શશાંકાસના લાભ : પેટના સ્નાયુ શક્તિસંપન્ન અને પેટના તમામ અવયવો વધુ કાર્યક્ષમ બને, મળાવરોધ , અજીર્ણ અને ઘુંટણનો દુઃખાવો દૂર થાય .

અર્ધઉષ્ટ્રાસના લાભ : છાતીનું પીંજરૂ વિકસે છે અને ફેફસાં વધુ કાર્યક્ષમ બને, કંઠસ્થ અને પ્રજનન ગ્રંથીઓ શક્તિ સંપન્ન બને 

વક્રાસન લાભ : ખભા અને ઘૂંટણના સાંધા નરમ બને, કરોડરજ્જુની સ્થિતિસ્થાપકતા વધે, વધારાની ચરબી ઘટે .

ઊભા રહીને કરવાના આસનો 

તાડાસન લામ : કિશોરાવસ્થામાં ઊંચાઇ વધારવામાં ઉપયોગી બને, ફેફસાંની કાર્યશક્તિ વધે અને છાતીનો વિકાસ થાય

વૃક્ષાસની લાભ : પગનો દુઃખાવો , સાંધાનો દુઃખાવો વગેરે દૂર ચાચે, સમતોલન અને સ્થિરતા ફેળવાય . 

પાદહસ્તાસન લાભ : પેટ , પેટું , સાચળ અને પિડીના સ્નાયુ તથા અસ્થિબંધ મજબુત બને, કમર પાતળી અને કરોડરજ્જુ સ્થિતિસ્થાપક બને 

અર્ધચક્રાસન લાભ : હાથ , શરીર અને પીઠ મજબુત બને, પેટ પેઢુના તમામ અવયવોની કાર્યશક્તિ વધે . 

ત્રિકોણાસન લાભ : ગરદન , પીઠ , નિતંબ અને પગના સ્નાયુઓ મજબુત બને, પેટના સ્નાયુઓ મજબુત બનવાની પેટની તકલીફો દૂર થાય .

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Saturday, 20 June 2020

Video Massage of Hon. PM Modi of on International Day of Yoga Regarding Letter SSA Gujarat

Video Massage of Hon. PM Modi of on International Day of Yoga 
Regarding Letter SSA Gujarat. Date- 17/06/2020. More Information Please Read Official Paripatra.
Resolution At the end of Adult Consideration, the powers conferred on the powers conferred on the Section 5 of the Mumbai Primary Education Act, and section 4 of the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Act, section 370 are as follows.  Resolution The new academic year for the next academic year, ie 2020, will start from April 1, 2019 and the summer vacation will remain unchanged from four to May 2020 to seven by June 2020.
Subject : Video Massage of Hon. PM Modi of on International Day of Yoga
Paripatra by : SSA Gujarat
Date : 17/06/2020

Participate in International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2020 reg.
Reference: Date of the Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India - 19/06/2020 Email Letter Regarding the above subject and reference 18/ 06/2020 Yoga Day declared. With that in mind, respect the Google Drive and V Transfer link as stated in the accompanying letter from the Government of India. The video of the Prime Minister's Yoga Day can be viewed at the following link. So for maximum publicity of this video link through electronic media, digital channel and social media, instruct all the offices under your district as well as BRC / CRC as well as school principals / teachers, students and parents to watch this video link from your level.

Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi's video message on the occasion of International Yoga Day. - A video message of the Hon'ble Prime Minister has been given to all to participate in the International Day (IDY) of the Commission of the Ministry of AYUSH. Given the current situation, COVID-19 has given important guidance and instructions especially for the International Yoga Day (IDY) 2020 to be held on 21st June 2020.
 In this regard, the Hon'ble Prime Minister has given a video message appealing to all to participate in the International Day. Instructions are also given for sharing through all media. blog each and every day upload the information of primary education. The messages and the links are very useful for primary teachers. This block is made for your work in your class is very smoothly and save your. My block is made for primary teachers of Gujarat. My blog is very simple and useful for all teachers. I glayed that this result sheet uploaded in my blog so you you everyday visited my I block and make ok you update for new incoming changes in primary education. Everyday update new news messages and new upcoming changes in primary education so everyday visit my blog and update yourself this result sheet is very very effective and easily made your work for final year exam result. So share my my blog link and this result link in your friends and your school friends so they a work in in result and save much of time of himself. This result sheet is made for half yearly exam and final exam. This result is make a marksheet for your each of student so you last at the last time print the marksheet and sign of the principal and you gave the students. Your and your school impression give bi this results is very e good and your impression of work for parents appreciate for your work. Thanks for visiting my blog.please download the result sheet and make your work is very useful and save your much of time thank you
the Gujarat State Secondary and Higher Secondary Board will have to circular through Gandhinagar.  The Resolution The primary schools belonging to the District Panchayat Nagar Panchayat Maha Municipality, which are approved by the Government of Gujarat, are set up by the Government of Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, registered in Gandhinagar.  This resolution applies to this section  Received permission from the date of the note of the Government No. 20 of 2020 on the same file is released Agreement.
Video Massage of Hon. PM Modi of on International Day of Yoga Regarding Letter SSA Gujarat

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Thursday, 20 June 2019

Yoga books gujarati pdf free download 2019

Yoga books gujarati pdf free download 2019  

Teacher working with Key Stage pupils might, for instance, focus on the subject content of science and develop science skills from these areas of experience. This product centred approach could, for example, give rise to oral explanations and demonstrations of scientific knowledge, and, from time to time, practical activities designed to provide direct experience of phenomena with opportunities to explore and investigate these phenomena. In providing a conceptual structure to help the learner build a functional mental representation, the teacher highlights what is relevant and the nature of the relationships between the elements. For example, the teacher might explain the compressibility of air in a bicycle pump by describing it as dispersed particles which may be brought closer or else by comparing it with the behaviour of a spring.
In contrast, teachers might focus on the processes of science and develop scientific conceptual understanding from it. This process-centred approach could, for instance, offer the children experiments and investigations as starting points for acquiring conceptual knowledge with little or no direct teaching of concepts. In this case a conceptual structure is withheld. The onus is on the children to recall or construct a functional mental representation without reference to a teachers' description of one. Pupils might infer relationships in the topic under study and may be given an opportunity to test and revise their ideas.
Daily Latest Job Updates, daily Gujarat samachar, Latest upcoming Gujarat information, various jobs wolk in Interview, interview please and other important information given below address.
Gujarat educational department latest news report akila news report and other popular news report. Gujarat samachar Sandesh news paper Divya Bhaskar news report akila news report and other all news report.

Yoga books gujarati pdf free download 2019 

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Yoga books gujarati pdf free download 2019

Yoga books gujarati pdf free download 2019  

Teacher working with Key Stage pupils might, for instance, focus on the subject content of science and develop science skills from these areas of experience. This product centred approach could, for example, give rise to oral explanations and demonstrations of scientific knowledge, and, from time to time, practical activities designed to provide direct experience of phenomena with opportunities to explore and investigate these phenomena. In providing a conceptual structure to help the learner build a functional mental representation, the teacher highlights what is relevant and the nature of the relationships between the elements. For example, the teacher might explain the compressibility of air in a bicycle pump by describing it as dispersed particles which may be brought closer or else by comparing it with the behaviour of a spring.
In contrast, teachers might focus on the processes of science and develop scientific conceptual understanding from it. This process-centred approach could, for instance, offer the children experiments and investigations as starting points for acquiring conceptual knowledge with little or no direct teaching of concepts. In this case a conceptual structure is withheld. The onus is on the children to recall or construct a functional mental representation without reference to a teachers' description of one. Pupils might infer relationships in the topic under study and may be given an opportunity to test and revise their ideas.
Daily Latest Job Updates, daily Gujarat samachar, Latest upcoming Gujarat information, various jobs wolk in Interview, interview please and other important information given below address.
Gujarat educational department latest news report akila news report and other popular news report. Gujarat samachar Sandesh news paper Divya Bhaskar news report akila news report and other all news report.

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Wednesday, 19 June 2019



Teacher working with Key Stage pupils might, for instance, focus on the subject content of science and develop science skills from these areas of experience. This product centred approach could, for example, give rise to oral explanations and demonstrations of scientific knowledge, and, from time to time, practical activities designed to provide direct experience of phenomena with opportunities to explore and investigate these phenomena. In providing a conceptual structure to help the learner build a functional mental representation, the teacher highlights what is relevant and the nature of the relationships between the elements. For example, the teacher might explain the compressibility of air in a bicycle pump by describing it as dispersed particles which may be brought closer or else by comparing it with the behaviour of a spring.
In contrast, teachers might focus on the processes of science and develop scientific conceptual understanding from it. This process-centred approach could, for instance, offer the children experiments and investigations as starting points for acquiring conceptual knowledge with little or no direct teaching of concepts. In this case a conceptual structure is withheld. The onus is on the children to recall or construct a functional mental representation without reference to a teachers' description of one. Pupils might infer relationships in the topic under study and may be given an opportunity to test and revise their ideas.
Daily Latest Job Updates, daily Gujarat samachar, Latest upcoming Gujarat information, various jobs wolk in Interview, interview please and other important information given below address.
Gujarat educational department latest news report akila news report and other popular news report.  Gujarat samachar Sandesh news paper Divya Bhaskar news report akila news report and other all news report.
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Teacher working with Key Stage pupils might, for instance, focus on the subject content of science and develop science skills from these areas of experience. This product centred approach could, for example, give rise to oral explanations and demonstrations of scientific knowledge, and, from time to time, practical activities designed to provide direct experience of phenomena with opportunities to explore and investigate these phenomena. In providing a conceptual structure to help the learner build a functional mental representation, the teacher highlights what is relevant and the nature of the relationships between the elements. For example, the teacher might explain the compressibility of air in a bicycle pump by describing it as dispersed particles which may be brought closer or else by comparing it with the behaviour of a spring.
In contrast, teachers might focus on the processes of science and develop scientific conceptual understanding from it. This process-centred approach could, for instance, offer the children experiments and investigations as starting points for acquiring conceptual knowledge with little or no direct teaching of concepts. In this case a conceptual structure is withheld. The onus is on the children to recall or construct a functional mental representation without reference to a teachers' description of one. Pupils might infer relationships in the topic under study and may be given an opportunity to test and revise their ideas.
Daily Latest Job Updates, daily Gujarat samachar, Latest upcoming Gujarat information, various jobs wolk in Interview, interview please and other important information given below address.
Gujarat educational department latest news report akila news report and other popular news report.  Gujarat samachar Sandesh news paper Divya Bhaskar news report akila news report and other all news report.
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Tuesday, 18 June 2019


All Competitive Exam -many Candidates are preparing for various governments competitive examinations and if they want to prepare their General Knowledge subject.they can check your knowledge with our post. here are important current affairs -GK questions with answers that will help you all for any competitive exams.we have updates today daily Gk – Current affairs of of every day to day ,current affairs 2019.this Current affairs /gk questions with answers that will help you all for Government Competitive exams like -UPSC,SSC,IBPS,Banks and any other exams..we are also updates latest jobs in Gujarat .Daily GK Updates Latest News Updates about the National, International and Miscellaneous events were listed here for the candidates preparing for Competitive Exam.
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