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Showing posts with label FIX PAY. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 February 2020


       FIX PAGAR ANGE NA TAMAM THARAV TOTAL 54 PAGE.www.arvind                                                                                            

  monthly lump sum pay as Assistant. Therefore. all the appointments given oncompassionate ground also shall be given only with the lump sum pay.17. The general conditions of this 

recruitment to be made as assistant in monthlylump sum pay shall be as per the statement attached herewith which shall have to bementioned in the advertisement of recruitment as well as also in the appointmentorder properly to whom the appointment may be given.I8. As the recruitments to be made on monthly lump sum pay. are to be madeaccording to the specified recruitment procedure as well as the candidate appointedunder this scheme is to be appointed in regular pay-scale after completion of fiveyears in monthly lump sum pay. this is nothing but a regular recruitment. Therefore,this scheme shallbeapplied also to the appointments given against the reserved postsand the posts of back log and such appointment shall he considered against the rosterpoint.

1 9 „ The employees appointed under this scheme shall have to pass the prescribedpre-service and post training examination as well as departmental examinationon being appointed in regular pay scale after completion of five years.20. It is compulsory to obtain pre-consent of the Finance Department beforesending the requisition tbrms which are for the appointment as probationarywith fixed pay For the period of five years by direct recruitment in all thecadres of class-3, class-4 under to the organization prescribed for the

 1 The period of lump sum pay For live years of an(1) ] iie appointed candidates will get the corresponding monthly lump sum payas suggested in para-5 of the resolution of the scheme, this appointment shallbe considered on contract basis. The tenure of the contract shall be five
years.(2) The contract shall be terminated bilaterally by giving a notice of one month ornotice pay with the amount 01' fixed pay of one month.(3) No allowances shall be admissible on the prescribed fixed wage.(4) No increase of any type of increment shall be admissible in the fixed wage to
Shri during the period of contract. The dearnessallowance, interim relief or other benefits of pay commission or no otherbenefits with regard to the service shall be admissible.(5) Medical reimbursement shall not be admissible during the period of contract.(6) The service/job performed during the period of five years of the contract shallnot be entitled to obtain pension, bonus, L.T.C., encashment of leaves,advance or such any other financial benefits from the Government.(7) lithe employee dies during the period of contract, the due amount of lix wagefor period of the duty performed by him/her shall be admissible to the familymembers of the employee. But the ancillary benefits such as the otherfinancial benefits, ex-gratin benefit or service on compassionate ground shallnot be admissible.(8) Shri shall have to perform the duties such as the dutiesbeing performed by an officer of equal cadre. Ile/She shall have to remainpresent in the office at that time which is prescribed for it. As well as noprivate practice or any part-time job can be done. If he/she is instructed to8discharge the duties according to the requirement of government work also on
the public holidays, he/she shall perform duties accordingly. Ile/She can notparticipate in political activities.(9) 12 casual leaves shall be admissible to Shri on annual basisduring the period of contract. If he/she enjoys leave other than these leaves,the pay of the day of leave shall be deducted. The maternity leaves shall beadmissible to the female employees according to the leave rules.(10)It will be compulsory for Shri to live at theresidence at the place of working and he/she may not leave the head quarterwithout permission or the authorized officer.(I 1)If he/she has to go away from the head quarter upto the distance of 8 K.M. asa part of his/her duty, he/she shall be admissible the daily allowance of Rs.15/- for the stay of more than 6 hours and upto 12 hours and Rs. 30/- for thehalf of more than 12 hours as well as it shall be admissible the second classfare of S.T. bus/railway towards traveling expense.(12)The service shall be terminated at any time without giving any notice forunsatisfactory performance or indiscipline during the period of contract.(13)Any other required conditions being decided by the Government in theinterest of administration shall also be binding.(14)The deduction of professional tax shall be made from the fixed pay as per therules.(15)The State Govt. shall not liable for any type of criminal or civil proceedingsheld with regard to the matter of government service discharged.( (;)The person appointed with contract based lump sum wage shall not have anyright to be absorbed in the government establishment.(17)A letter of consent shall be obtained in this regard that above mentionedconditions are acceptable to the person being appointed.
(18)This recruitment shall be made only by observing the prescribed recruitmentprocedure from the candidates having suitable qualifications as per therecruitment rules of the respective cadre and these conditions shall beincluded in prescribed application form.( 9)The two year's of the performance the candidate appointed in this way shallbe reviewed on completion of Iwo years of service and he/she shall hecontinued. 

► r the remaining period only if his/her performance is lOund lullysatisfactory.(20)11* the services/duties of five years of a candidate appointed under this schemeare found to be satisfactory. the regular appointment shall be given to him/herafter five years with minimum pay in regular pay-scale of respective cadre.that means the respective posts shall be considered automatically converted infull pay-scale posts after live years, but this appointment shall be consideredas a new appointment and the allowances/facilities admissible as per theprevailing rules, shall be given at that time.(21)It shall be the responsibility of the concerned department to see that all theterms and conditions mentioned above are included without fail in theapplication form at the time of sending the requisition to the SubordinateService Selection 13oard/other board or recognized institution to fill theseposts of direct recruitment according to the prescribed procedure recruitment.



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Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Fix Pay Case Latest Update

Ancient China was the first country in the world that implemented a nationwide standardized test, which was called the imperial examination. The main purpose of this examination was to select able candidates for specific governmental positions.[5] The imperial examination was established by the Sui dynasty in 605 AD and was later abolished by the Qing dynasty 1300 years later in 1905. England had adopted this examination system in 1806 to select specific candidates for positions in Her Majesty's Civil Service, modeled on the Chinese imperial examination.[6] This examination system was later applied to education and it started to influence other parts of the world as it became a prominent standard (e.g. regulations to prevent the markers from knowing the identity of candidates), of delivering standardised tests.Ancient China was the first country in the world that implemented a nationwide standardized test, which was called the imperial examination. The main purpose of this examination was to select able candidates for specific governmental positions.[5] The imperial examination was established by the Sui dynasty in 605 AD and was later abolished by the Qing dynasty 1300 years later in 1905. England had adopted this examination system in 1806 to select specific candidates for positions in Her Majesty's Civil Service, modeled on the Chinese imperial examination.[6] This examination system was later applied to education and it started to influence other parts of the world as it became a prominent standard (e.g. regulations to prevent the markers from knowing the identity of candidates), of delivering standardised tests.

Fix Pay Case Latest Update
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