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Showing posts with label C.P.F. Show all posts

Saturday, 30 March 2019


People always wonder how and when they shoud write an assigned paper for one of their classes. Personally I think the best papers are the ones that are written the night before they are due.

In high school, students are required to write several papers throughout the year, and eventually you will learn how both you and your teacher operate when it comes to papers. By this I mean, if you know your teacher will give you an "A" for a 3 page paper full of quotes, or a teacher who will write you rough draft for you, then you have learned how they "operate". After you know how your teacher operates, then it's time to figure out how you operate. Some people write their best papers on the night they are assigned, so that way they have plenty of time to revise them. Then there are those who write half of their paper a week in advance and write the other half a few days prior to the due date. But personally I believe my best papers are the ones I write the night before they are due. And in some cases the moring they are due.
The next time you are in your english class and your teacher tells you have a have a paper due on the novel you've just read, don't sweat it. Most teachers won't give you any other homework for the next week or so, in order to give you plenty of time to work on your paper, but my advice is 'don't use that time to work on your paper'. Relax, and work on the homework you have that's due the following day. Remember, you have a week to do the paper for a reason.
For the rest of the week, while your teacher is having a class discusion on the novel, it's okay to sleep and doze off a little bit. Every day you'll wake up when the bell rings and realize that you only wrote about 3 lines worth of notes and you won't think twice about.


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Wednesday, 27 March 2019

government contributions 10 % to 14 % of Basic Pay + DA wel , 01-04-2019 and also payment of interest on delayed remittance of New Pension Scheme contributions.

government contributions 10 % to 14 % of Basic Pay + DA wel , 01-04-2019 and also payment of interest on delayed remittance of New Pension Scheme contributions.This issue with the approval of the Controller of Accounts.

Education All Circulars of Districts And Niyamak kacheri Gandhinagar,all Primary, Secondary and Higer Secondary Department. we also uploads various Job Updates of various government & Non-Government Sector from all over india. This blog is daily update about primery school letest circular , Educational news paper news, Breking news , all Goverment and private job ,Letest Techno tips, Insurance, Loans , Letest Mobile tips and all Competitive exam most imp gk, model paper, exam old paper, model paper in mp3 and most imp gk mp3 exam materials... Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Police constable bharti, Gsssb Clerk, Talati, and other exams, This blog You Can find Lots of Study Materials for All Competitive Exams Preaparation Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Gsssb Police Constable, Talati, junior clerk Exams This Education News Cutting From Gujarat Various Popular Newspaper Like Navgujarat Samay,Divya Bhaskar, Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar, Akila News And Many Other Newspaper.
Booth Level Officer; A Representative of Election Commission at the Grass-Root Level

 Education All Circulars of Districts And Niyamak kacheri Gandhinagar,all Primary, Secondary and Higer Secondary Department. we also uploads various Job Updates of various government & Non-Government Sector from all over india. This blog is daily update about primery school letest circular , Educational news paper news, Breking news , all Goverment and private job ,Letest Techno tips, Insurance, Loans , Letest Mobile tips and all Competitive exam most imp gk, model paper, exam old paper, model paper in mp3 and most imp gk mp3 exam materials... Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Police constable bharti, Gsssb Clerk, Talati, and other exams, This blog You Can find Lots of Study Materials for All Competitive Exams Preaparation Like Tet,Tat,Htat,Gsssb Police Constable, Talati, junior clerk Exams This Education News Cutting From Gujarat Various Popular Newspaper Like Navgujarat Samay,Divya Bhaskar, Sandesh, Gujarat Samachar, Akila News And Many Other Newspaper.
Booth Level Officer; A Representative of Election Commission at the Grass-Root Level

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Saturday, 2 March 2019


As an intervention programme, it started on 2002 and SSA has been operational since 2000-2001.[1] However, its roots go back to 1993-1994, when the District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) was launched, with an aim of achieving the objective of universal primary education.[2] DPEP, over several phases, covered 272 districts in 18 states of the country.[3] The expenditure on the programme was shared by the Central Government (85%) and the State Governments. The Central share was funded by a number of external agencies, including the World Bank, Department for International Development (DFID) and UNICEF.[4] By 2001, more than $1500 million had been committed to the programme, and 50 million children covered in its ambit. In an impact assessment of Phase I of DPEP, the authors concluded that its net impact on minority children was impressive, while there was little evidence of any impact on the enrolment of girls. Nevertheless, they concluded that the investment in DPEP was not a waste, because it introduced a new approach to primary school interventions in India.[4]

The Right to Education Act (RTE) came into force on 1 April 2010. Some educationists and policy makers believe that, with the passing of this act, SSA has acquired the necessary legal force for its implementation.[5]

, Sarva Shikshā Abhiyān, English: Education for All Movement), or SSA, is an Indian Government programme aimed at the universalisation of elementary education "in a time bound manner", as mandated by the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of India  making free and compulsory education to children between the ages of 6 to 14 (estimated to be 205 million children in 2001) a fundamental right. The programme was pioneered by former Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a programme for Universal Elementary Education. This programme is also an attempt to provide an opportunity for improving human capabilities to all children through provision of community -owned quality education in a mission mode. It is a response to the demand for quality basic education all over the country


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