In such a situation the importance of marriage increases a lot when schools no longer have to open considering the current situation of Corona.
The importance of home learning is proving to be very important for every student at a time when the educational work of primary schools, high schools and secondary and higher secondary schools as well as colleges is closed due to the current situation of Guru.
E-Class has also been started for students who can get online education in their own home. Street education has been turned into a situation. School teachers are teaching students to go home to the Government's Guide Line.
The school teachers are teaching students home to the government's guide line for students not being deprived of teaching in school or not present in school because of not present in school.
These training teachers will prove to be very helpful in solving various difficulties in their class and school students in the education work. The government has decided to make the primary school teachers academically equipped with the initiation application through the initiation application.
Teachers and studying students who are serving in the primary schools of Gujarat state are delivered to the students and teachers of various educational materials through the beginning portal through the initiative portal.
The new academic module is added to the initiation application under the underlying training.
Under the training of these educational materials, the teachers used to use the teachers and see the educational videos. After studying this educational material, teachers live in giving a test.
It is given a certificate corresponding to the educational material which has completed the educational material on the same portal, which is done in the test.
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