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Showing posts with label FLN. Show all posts

Friday, 28 June 2024

ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ કાર્ય પરીપત્ર, ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ, વાંચન લેખન અને ગણન પરીપત્ર

ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ કાર્ય પરીપત્ર, ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ, વાંચન લેખન અને ગણન પરીપત્ર 

                     This post we have made for primary school teachers in this post we have to do remedial teaching work at the beginning when new term starts.   After a long period of vacation it is very important that children have remedial education work.   A child is a child is often forgotten when we have to do remedial learning work before we start a new educational task.

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                 First we have to check the child in reading, writing and arithmetic.  Reading, writing and numeracy are very important for remedial education work.  Remedial education work is also emphasized by Sarkarshree.  Hence the remedial teaching work has to be done by every teacher of his class.   We have to do remedial teaching work before the academic session starts.   A circular has been published by the Director on how to carry out the remedial education work.  A circular has been published by the GCRT on how remedial education work is to be done.  GCERT remedial education circular is published then we will study remedial education work circular in new academic field. 

                        Read the information given in the Remedial Education Work Circular.   We will study deeply the circle of remedial education work.  Let's download circular of remedial education work for how to do remedial education work.  Let's download Remedial Education Work Circular Pdf.   If necessary, we will also take a print out of the remedial teaching work circular, after which we will get detailed information about the pronunciation teaching work to be done.   After getting the information on how to do the remedial teaching work every class teacher has to do the remedial teaching work.     

After doing the remedial education work after examining the children we will start the study further and also download the report card required for doing the remedial education work.  Remedial teaching work of reading will be done, remedial teaching work of writing will be done and remedial teaching work of counting will be done, pronunciation teaching work will be done in every grade.  Remedial education will be done in class 3 to 8.  You can do the required remedial teaching work in class one and two as well.   Thus remedial teaching is of great importance.   After understanding what remedial teaching work is, you can do remedial teaching work.   Below is the link to download Remedial Education Work Circular.  Just one click on it and you can download the Pdf of Phonological Education Work Circular then download this Pdf now and share this post as much as possible.

ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ કાર્ય માટે તા.15/6/2024નો પરીપત્ર નીચે આપેલ લિંકથી આપ વાંચી શકશો

ઉપચારાત્મક શિક્ષણ પરિપત્ર અહીથી વાંચો 

ધો 2 થી 8 માં વાંચન લેખન અને ગણન તારીખ 27/6/2024 નો પરિપત્ર અહીથી વાંચો 

વાગલે મુલાકાત ફોર્મ વાગલે મુલાકાત માટે કઈ કઈ બાબતો નિરીક્ષણમાં તૈયાર રાખશો ફોર્મ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

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