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Friday, 26 November 2021

Kuvarbai nu Mameru Yojana - Online Apply | કુંવરબાઈનું મામેરું યોજના 2021

 Kuvarbai nu Mameru Yojana - Online Apply | કુંવરબાઈનું મામેરું યોજના 2021

Kuvarbai nu mameru yojana 2021 Online Apply | e Samaj kalyan Yojana | Kuvarbai nu mameru yojana documents list in gujarati | Kunwarbai's Mameru Yojana pdf | Social Justice & Empowerment Department –SJED

Various welfare schemes are run by the Government of Gujarat and the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment. In which Manav Garima Yojana, Dr. Ambedkar Awas Yojana, foreign study loan to students. Kunwarbai's Mameru Yojana etc. More than 35 schemes run through e samaj kalyan website. Schemes run by Social Justice & Empowerment Department - SJED are online and paperless.

Gujarat Kuvarbai nu Mameru Yojana

In the state of Gujarat, for the welfare of the daughters of poor families and for the purpose of helping them financially, "Kunwarbai's Mameru Yojana" has been running for a long time. In Kuvarbai nu mameru yojna, married daughters are paid assistance directly to their bank account through DBT. The scheme provides benefits to girls belonging to Scheduled Caste, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, marrying daughters of economically weaker families. Assistance in this scheme Rs. 12000 / - (Twelve Thousand) is directly deposited in the bank account by DBT

Gujarat Kuvarbai nu Mameru Yojana

Rules of Kunwarbai's Mameru scheme

Kuvarbainu Mameru Yojana Income Limit

Kuvarbainu Mameru Yojna Benefit

Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana Online Apply

Kuvarbainu Mameru Yojana Document

Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana Form Pdf

eSamajKalyan Check Application Status

 Gujarat Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana

8 thoughts on “Kuvarbai nu Mameru Yojana - Online Apply | Kunwarbai's Mameru Yojana 2021 ”

Rules of Kunwarbai's Mameru scheme

Eligibility for Kunwarbai's Mameru scheme has been decided by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of Gujarat. Which are as follows.

Be a native of the state of Gujarat and meet the economically weaker families.

The family will get the benefit of kuverbai nu mameru yoajna for the marriage of 2 (two) adult girls.

Beneficiary will not get assistance under this scheme in case of remarriage.

The age of the bride at the time of marriage should be 18 years and the age of the young man should be 21 years.

The kuvarbai nu mameru form has to be applied online within the time limit of 2 years of marriage.

Kunwarbai's Mameru Yojana assistance is available in the program of Saat Fera Samuhalgan.

If the beneficiary girl participating in the society and other community marriages fulfills all the conditions of "Sat Fera Samuhalgan Yojana as well as Kunwarbai Nu Mameru Yojana" then she will be eligible to avail benefits under these two schemes.

Name of the scheme

Gujarat Kuvarbai nu Mameru Yojana 2021


Gujarati and English


to needy daughters in the state

Financial is given after marriage.


Gujarat daughters

Assistance amount-1

Date-01/04/2021 before marriage

Rs 10,000 assistance to such girls if done

Amount of assistance-2

to girls of Gujarat after date 01/04/2021

Assistance of Rs. 12,000 to girls who are married

Valid website

How to Apply

Click Here

Kuvarbainu Mameru Yojana Income Limit

The annual income limit in Kunwarbai scheme has been fixed at Rs. 1,20,000 / - in rural area and Rs. 1,50,000 / - in urban area by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment.

Kuvarbainu Mameru Yojna Benefit

If a girl from an economically weaker family in the state of Gujarat gets married, the Government of Gujarat used to pay Rs. Which has been improved.

If married after 01/04/2021, the couple will get Rs. 12,000 / - (twelve thousand) under kuvarbai mameru yojana.

Couples married before 01/04/2021 will be entitled to Rs. 10,000 / - (ten thousand) as per old resolution.

Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana Online Apply

Poor and economically weaker families in the outskirts of Gujarat have been provided with the facility to apply online so that they do not have to visit government offices frequently. E samaj kalyan portal has been created to take advantage of Kunwarbai's Mameru scheme. You have to apply online from this portal. Which will be known by following steps.

First go to the Google Search Bar and type 'e samaj kalyan'.

In which the website for online application of social welfare department has to be clicked on

If registration is not done by going to e-social welfare portal, “New User? Please Register Here ”.

After successful registration the beneficiary will have to open his page by clicking on e samaj kalyan “Citizen Login”.

The scheme will be shown by the beneficiary as per his caste at the time of registration.

In which you have to go to Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana Online Form and fill in the required details and submit the online application.

Kuvarbainu Mameru Yojana Document

Different types of documents are required to avail the Kunwarbai Mamru scheme and fill up the form. Which are given below.

Kanya's Aadhaar card

Bride's Election Card (Identity Card)

Beneficiary bride's father's Aadhaar card

Example of a girl's gender

Girl's school leaving certificate or birth certificate

Example of annual income of the bride's father / guardian

Proof of residence of the bride (any one of the license / election card / ration card / electricity bill)

Copy of first page of Kanya Bank Passbook (having father / guardian's name behind the girl's name)

Joint photo of the bride and groom

Base of groom's date of birth (L.C.

Marriage registration certificate

Affidavit of the bride's father / guardian

Guarantee of the bride's father

Example of death if the bride's father is not alive

How to apply online on e-SamajKalyan Portal.

Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana Form Pdf

Application Form for this scheme has been issued by the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment according to caste. Application form for Social Educational Backward Classes and Other Backward Classes has been issued by the Director, Developing Caste Welfare Department. And kuvarbai nu mameru form for girls of Scheduled Castes issued by the Director Scheduled Caste Welfare Department.

Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana Form Pdf (OBC-EBC)

Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana Form Pdf (SC)

eSamajKalyan Check Application Status

Online forms of various schemes are filled on e-Social Welfare Portal. What is the status of the application if the online form of Kunwarbai's Mameru scheme is filled? This Application Status can be found online. The status of the application can be known through the following Direct Link and for its information information can be obtained through Video.

Direct Link Application Status

Highlight Point of Kuvarbainu Mameru Yojana

Official Website

Click Here

Your Application Status

Click Here

New User? Please Register Here!

Apply Here

New NGO Registration

Apply Here

Citizen Help Manual

Download Here

Home Page

Click Here

FAQ’s of Gujarat Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana

Who gets the benefit of Kunwarbai Mamera scheme?

The benefit of this scheme is given to the bride of Gujarat as assistance after marriage.

What is the income limit for availing Kunwar Bai Nu Mameru Yojana?

In Kunwarbai scheme annual income limit is fixed at 120,000 / - in rural area and 1,50,000 / - in urban area. If the father of the bride has an income limit according to this, then the benefit of this scheme is available.

How much money does Kunwarbai get in Mamera scheme?

If the couple is married before 01/04/2021, then the female beneficiary will get Rs. Is credited directly to the account.

How to apply to avail this scheme?

Kuvarbai Nu Mameru Yojana must be applied online. Girls will have to use the official website of e samaj kalyan to apply online.

E-Social Welfare Portal Which castes can apply for this scheme online?

People of SC, OBC, EWS etc. can apply for this scheme online from e samaj kalyan portal.

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Subject Matter of involving teachers in a single program under New Education Policy 2020.

Subject Matter of involving teachers in a single program under New Education Policy 2020.  

 Compliments to egarding the above topic and context that National Education Policy 2020 emphasizes on the development of creativity, free thinking, conceptual understanding and study methods in students.  In an effort towards this vision, the 'Eklavya' series is being launched by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in collaboration with IIT Gandhinagar.  1261 99.

 Eklavya is an online interactive educational program covering a variety of activities, projects and models.  Which helps in developing a conceptual understanding of the subject matter.  In addition, thought provoking questions and assignments that inspire you to develop free thinking, creativity and create inspiring DIY (self-activity — Do It Yourself) project videos using local content.  The series will help equip teachers and students with the scientific nature and abilities.

 Teachers and students will be able to participate in the 'Eklavya' program as per the following instructions:  Therefore, all students definitely benefit from this opportunity

 Can take registration.  2. If teachers under 'Eklavya' category successfully complete this course by submitting homework, it will be considered as equivalent to 30 hours of training program for teacher capacity building.

 Will come.

 3. After completing the course he wants to get the certificate by paying the fixed fee

 Certificate can be obtained.

 4. Gujarat Rai is also going to participate under PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), a worldwide program for evaluation of students at the international level. This program will be helpful for good performance under ISA.

 5. Url for registration: 6. Going to the above link will open the registration form, a copy of which is sent along with this.

 7. The teacher in the First Name field as shown in the accompanying registration form

 Teacher's Code (According to Attendance and Teacher Portal) and School /

 School UDISE Code (11 Digit) instead of School Name in College Field

Subject Matter of involving teachers in a single program under New Education Policy 2020.  




 Will have to write.
 Therefore, the Mathematics and Science teachers of all the schools under your jurisdiction are asked to make appropriate commands and reviews from your level to ensure that they participate in the above program.

Subject Matter of involving teachers in a single program under New Education Policy 2020.  
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Thursday, 25 November 2021

Important information about HAR GHAR DASTAK to make the nationwide covid vaccination campaign a success

Important information about HAR GHAR DASTAK to make the nationwide covid vaccination campaign a success

Nationwide Campaign of COVID Vaccination "Har Ghar Dastak" Reference: Hon'ble Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Department of School Education and Literacy, Government of India, New Delhi.  Letter dated 19.11.2021 D.O.  No.1-24 / 2020-1S.5 Enclosure: Informing the above mentioned letter to the Government of India in writing and stating in accordance with the above subject and reference that,  The letter dated 11.3021 is attached herewith.  According to the letter, a nationwide campaign of covid vaccination i.e. "Har Ghar Dastak" has been launched by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.  The Department of Health and Family Welfare has sought support for the activities mentioned in the letter to make the campaign a success.  Request to give necessary guidance and instructions to the offices under your jurisdiction, school principals / teachers, students from your level considering the activities and suggestions mentioned in the letter.  Under the National Covid-19 Vaccination Program, the country has recently achieved the milestone of providing 100 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine to the eligible population above 18 years of age.  About 107.70 crore doses have been given so far.  78% of eligible population has been given first dose and 36% have received both doses of COVID vaccine.  To accelerate the pace, a nationwide campaign of covid vaccination i.e. 'Knock Her Home' is being launched from 3G to 30th November 2021 where frontline healthcare workers will conduct door-to-door mobilization, awareness and vaccination of eligible persons.  They will reach, advise, collect and vaccinate all missed and abandoned eligible beneficiaries to complete the Covid vaccination schedule for full protection.  A detailed plan will be prepared at the district level along with its regular review to ensure effective implementation.  2. In this regard, I look forward to continued support from the Ministry of Education, which is one of the main stakeholders in providing support to this vaccination program at various levels.  Under this initiative, 

the following activities would require assistance from the Department of School Education and Literacy: 3. Dissemination of campaign information and benefits of vaccination to students by school teachers.  -Pensitization of parents, involvement as an influencer and role model for education friend and school teacher vaccination.

Important information about HAR GHAR DASTAK to make the nationwide covid vaccination campaign a success

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Regarding the incentive grants given to the Gram Panchayats elected unopposed by consensus.

Regarding the incentive grants given to the Gram Panchayats elected unopposed by consensus.

 The three tier Panchayati Raj system has been implemented in the state on   The Gram Panchayat is the basic unit in this Panchayati Raj.  If the Gram Panchayat elections are held with the consent and without opposition, a positive atmosphere for development can be created. In Gujarat State “Samaras Village Scheme has been implemented.  Encouraged by the encouraging results of this scheme and the growing spirit of harmony, cooperation, harmony and harmony among the citizens of the Gram Panchayat area as well as the achievements of the development works achieved by such Gram Panchayats.

 The amount has been increased periodically

 Encouragement to the first, second, third and fourth Samaras Gram Panchayats and resolutions on the above-mentioned resolutions on (1), (2) and (3) in this scheme.

Grants are provided.  According to which, if Samaras village is formed for the fifth time in a row, the matter of giving incentive grant to such Gram Panchayats as well as the first, second, third, fourth uncontested election decided by the resolution on (1), (2) and (3) above.  The matter of increasing the amount of incentive grant for was under consideration of the Government.

 Regarding the incentive grants given to the Gram Panchayats elected unopposed by consensus.

 After careful consideration, all round development of Gram Panchayats will take place in Samaras Yojana, Gram Panchayats will become financially viable, bright opportunities for development will be achieved and local people will participate in development work in a positive atmosphere with harmony, cooperation, harmony and harmony.  For the purpose of peaceful occurrence, the first, Khiji, Third, Yauthi and Fifth Samras Gram Panchayats are given below in case of General Samras and in case of Mahila Samras.

 It is decided to give wise incentive grant.

Regarding the incentive grants given to the Gram Panchayats elected unopposed by consensus.

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Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Pradhan mantri Awas Yojana(Urban)

Construction of 3.61 lakh houses approved under PM Awas Yojana, follow these steps and apply

Dream house / Construction of 3.61 lakh houses approved under PM Awas Yojana, follow these steps and apply

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has been implementing Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban) PMAY (U) to address the housing shortage in urban areas of the country with a larger goal of “Housing for All by 2022” and in order to ensure effective implementation of PMAY (U) Mission, the Ministry regularly monitors key indicators of the programmes at various fora.

The central government has approved the construction of 3.61 lakh houses in urban areas under the PM Awas Yojana.

PM Awas Yojana approves construction of houses

Green light on proposal to build 3.61 lakh houses

Learn how to register for the scheme

Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, the central government has given green signal to the proposal to build 3.61 lakh houses in urban areas. The central government provides housing to people who do not have a home under the PM Awas Yojana. The scheme provides subsidy to those who buy a house or flat on loan. The decision was taken at the 56th meeting of the Central Acceptance and Monitoring Committee of the government.

The decision was taken at the meeting

The 56th meeting of the Central Acceptance and Oversight Committee was held on 23 November 2021 at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs in New Delhi. The meeting was chaired by Shri Durga Shankar Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. Many important issues were also discussed at the meeting and many important decisions were also taken.

The meeting approved PMAY-U to build a total of 3.61 lakh houses under Affordable Housing in Partnership, Beneficiary Land Construction (BLC), In-Situ Slum Redevelopment Vertical. At the meeting, Secretary Durga Shankar Mishra spoke on resolving many issues so that the construction of houses could be started soon.

How to avail benefits in this scheme?

Importantly, the benefit of PM Awas Yojana was earlier only for the poor. But now the middle class can also benefit by increasing the amount of home loan. Earlier, the home loan amount in this scheme was Rs 3 to 6 lakh. The interest was subsidized. But now it has been increased to Rs 8 lakh.

Here's how to apply for PM Awas Yojana

To apply for PM Awas Yojana Grameen, you can create a login ID by downloading the government app from your mobile.

Now this app will send a one time password to your mobile number.

Fill in the required information after logging in using it.

અહીંથી જુઓ આવાસ યોજના નો વીડિયો

The higher the coefficient of

The Central Government selects the beneficiaries after applying for a house under PMAYG.

The final list of beneficiaries is then posted on PMAYG's website.

Pradhan mantri Awas Yojana(Urban)

Key Objectives of PMAY (Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana)

  • PMAY scheme was initiated with the purpose of bridging the ever-widening gap between demand and supply for urban housing. Take a look at the key objectives of this scheme:
  • To rehabilitate slums with the help of private developers.
  • To promote affordable housing for the weaker sections through the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme.
  • To construct affordable houses in partnership with the public and private sectors.
  • To provide subsidies for beneficiary-led individual house construction.

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Eligibility

  • The Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation defines the beneficiaries for this scheme as following:
  • A Beneficiary can be a husband, wife, and unmarried daughters/sons
  • A Beneficiary should not own a pucca house, which means, the house should not be in his/her name or any other member of the family across India
  • Any adult irrespective of his/her marital status can be treated as a separate household altogether

Beneficiaries Under PMAY Scheme

  • Beneficiaries of PMAY(U) mainly include:
  • Middle Income Groups (MIG I) with annual income between Rs. 6 -12 Lakh
  • Middle Income Group (MIG II) with annual income between Rs. 12 -18 Lakhs
  • Low-income Groups (LIGs) with annual income capping between Rs. 3 -6 Lakh
  • Economically Weaker Section (EWS)  with an annual income capping Up to Rs. 3 Lakh
Teg :- pradhan mantri awas yojana status,pradhan mantri awas yojana eligibility,pradhan mantri awas yojana benefits,pradhan mantri awas yojana gramin,pradhan mantri awas yojana gramin 2020,pradhan mantri awas yojana west bengal,pradhan mantri yojana 2020,pradhan mantri awas yojana verification,
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