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Showing posts with label CORONA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CORONA. Show all posts

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Government will provide assistance of Rs 50,000 to the families of those who died from corona.

 Government will provide assistance of Rs 50,000 to the families of those who died from corona.

Assistance / Government will provide assistance of Rs 50,000 to the families of those who died from corona.

The families of those who died in Corona will receive financial assistance, the process of filling up the form for this assistance will start from November 15.

The families of those who died in Corona will receive assistance

Families have to fill up a form to get help from the deceased

The process of filling up the form will start from November 15

News of some relief has come to the families of those who have died in Corona now that the Corona has caused an uproar in the country. In Corona, the central government has announced financial assistance to families who have lost loved ones and family members. The process of filling up the form for this assistance will start from November 15.

The families of those who died in Corona will receive assistance

The central government has announced financial assistance to provide some relief to the relatives of those who died in Corona when families lost their livelihood in Corona. The process of filling the form is about to begin.

Families have to fill up a form to get help from the deceased

A committee has been formed by the Gujarat government to issue certificates to the families of those who died from corona. After examining various issues by this committee, the patient will be certified as to whether the death is due to corona or not, for corona assistance the certificate must have the cause of death in corona and the certificate will be issued only after verification as to whether corona is due or not.

The process of filling up the form will start from November 15

Importantly, the Supreme Court has asked the families of the citizens who died in Corona to pay compensation of Rs 50,000. In this, the certificate of the citizen who died from corona has been made mandatory. An elaborate resolution has been issued by the health department in this regard. The apex court, while approving the assistance, said that the financial assistance would be different from other welfare schemes which would be provided from the state's Disaster Management Fund and would be available within 30 days of the families of the victims of Corona's claim.

The central government has announced financial assistance of Rs 50,000

Let me tell you that some people died in the hospital during the Corona period while some died in their homes. The Supreme Court has also directed to give this compensation to all those who have died due to Kolo Kovid at home or in the hospital. The ministry said in its guidelines for the states that the grievance redressal committee could examine the evidence for compensation assistance and that the committee would be empowered to request hospital records.

Find out who will issue the death certificate in which area?

Registrar and Medical Officer in the Corporation

Registrar in the municipality and chief officer of the municipality

Registrar and Talati-cum-Minister at the village level

Registrar and Chief Executive Officer in the Cantonment Board

Registrar and Range Forest Officer in the forest area

 Government will provide assistance of Rs 50,000 to the families of those who died from corona.

mportant Links:

👉Official Circular

👉VTV News Report

કોરોના થી મૃત્યુ પામેલ ને 50000 વળતર બાબતે તા 20/11/2021 નો પરિપત્ર

કોરોનાથી મોત પર વળતર પેટે રૂ.50,000 મળશે કેવી રીતે? વિડિઓ અહીંથી જુઓ

રાજ્યમાં કોવિંડ-૧૯થી મૃત્યુ પામનાર મૃતકોના કુટુંબીજનો /વારસદારોને સહાય આપવા બાબત નો લેટેસ્ટ પરિપત્ર. તા-:-૨૧/૧૧/૨૦૨૧   new-gif-2

સહાય માટે ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરવા માટેની લીંક .

ઓનલાઈન પોર્ટલ અંગે ગુજરાતીમાં માહિતી માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો.

The families of Koro's victims will receive financial help

Many lives were lost due to inadequate health facilities during the Corona period, the situation in the country and the states was so bad that hospitals were overcrowded with patients, some hospitals were in dire straits due to lack of oxygen and medicines. Beds were also unavailable, and even at 108 hours and days of waiting for patients to be taken to hospitals, the central government made an important decision to provide some financial assistance to those who died in Corona. Is about to begin.

 Government will provide assistance of Rs 50,000 to the families of those who died from corona.

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Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Official Guide to the Special Care of Children during the Covid 12 Transition

 Official Guide to the Special Care of Children during the Covid 12 Transition

Gujarat government official Dashboard
• A pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China was first reported to the WHO Country Office.
• WHO is working 24/7 to analyse data, provide advice, coordinate with partners, help countries prepare, increase supplies and manage expert networks.
• The outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International .
 international community has asked for US$675 million to help protect states with weaker health systems as part of its Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan.

•WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID-19.
To increase access to reliable information, WHO worked with WhatsApp and Facebook to launch a new WHO Health Alert messaging service today. The WhatsApp-based service will provide vital information about COVID-19 to millions of people through their mobile phones. The services uses an AI chatbot to provide updated information on the pandemic, including how to protect yourself, questions and answers, and the latest news and press coverage. The Health Alert service is now available in English and will be introduced in other languages next week. This is part of WHO's wider initiative to work with technology companies to get accurate health information into the hands of people that need it at this critical time.

Speaking at the COVID-19 media briefing, the Director-General emphasized that the virus is capable of community transmission but can be contained with the right measures.
If you too are experiencing symptoms like corona virus or have any doubts or doubts about this, you can get information by calling the government's helpline number 104.
In addition, special arrangements have been made to treat corona virus or to keep such patients isolated at civil hospitals in all the major cities.  In addition, treatment is available at the district level health centers for the suspected coronary virus patients.  So anyone can visit the above places.  At these centers, samples of patients suspected to be suspicious will be taken to the isolation ward.  According to Health Commissioner Jaiprakash Shivhare, corona virus testing has been arranged at BJ Medical College, Ahmedabad.  Prior to this, samples were sent to Poona.
everal orders to the municipal commissioners and collectors of the state in connection with the Corona virus last week.
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Monday, 5 July 2021

Features of the new variant Delta Plus from the Corona. Readable for all. What are the features of Corona in the new variant?

Features of the new variant Delta Plus from the Corona. Readable for all. What are the features of Corona in the new variant?
Although new information about coronavirus is found in important newspapers of Gujarat, an attempt has been made to collect different information by compiling it here. You should read this post and also send it to your friends. Awareness against coronavirus is very important.  If we know the symptoms of the virus, we can take care of it. We request everyone to read and understand all of the things given here and to be careful accordingly.  Tell us to stay and be careful. Only by being aware of coronavirus can we defeat it

 Features of the new variant Delta Plus from the Corona.  Readable for all.  What are the features of Corona in the new variant?
Features of the new variant Delta Plus from the Corona.  Readable for all.  What are the features of Corona in the new variant?

 We can get information about the new bent starplus of coronavirus from different and only in this post you are given information of different news of Gujarat. On every news you can get different information about the new delta plus of coronavirus if you don't keep coronavirus  Terrible, even if we are out of the house, what to be careful when we are at home, we have gone to the cowshed, but when a new virus arises and its side effects are seen, our responsibility is greatly increased and we have to be careful.  It is very important to be careful before you go out. Use it before you go out. Give special instructions to children and parents not to go out unnecessarily and take care of yourself.

કોરોનાની ત્રીજી લહેર ઓક્ટોબર માસમાં આવશે... ? શુ છે તૈયારીઓ ?

જુઓ ન્યુઝ રિપોર્ટ // ઓક્ટોબરમાં કોરોનાની ત્રીજી લહેર...

◆ દેશભરમાં રાઇઝિંગ ડેલ્ટા પ્લસ કેસોથી કોરોના ચેપની ત્રીજી લહેરનું જોખમ વધી ગયું છે.  આટલું જ નહીં, બાળકોના ભવિષ્ય વિશે પણ ભય ભયંકર છે. 

અહેવાલ છે કે કોરોનાને લીધે, તે બાળકોના માનસિક સ્વાસ્થ્ય પર નકારાત્મક અસર કરવાનું શરૂ કરે છે.

👉 જુઓ ZEE ન્યુઝ રિપોર્ટ

 Coronavirus is a virus that spreads very fast so we need to be very careful and it is very important to prevent its spread so we should not go out of the house without any work or we should explain to our friends who are going out that any important  Do not leave your home without work It is not advisable to go out of the house or go to the market for the work that is done at home. If we want to make any purchase, we should buy it online as long as it is possible. Online is also cheaper for other family members.  Can also be protected from viruses

 We have to suffer the same problem as we write lightly with coronavirus. The first happiness is life itself. If it is life in the same way, then we will take the money later.  Keep a short distance from the ailment and stay at home. Once the treatment is done, keep a short distance until you can talk to him or her in the vicinity. It is important to keep a distance of six feet and wash your hands frequently.

 Features of the new variant Delta Plus from the Corona.  Readable for all.  What are the features of Corona in the new variant?
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Wednesday, 28 April 2021

When and how will your number for the vaccine come?

When and how will your number for the vaccine come?

Sameer Bhati, a member of the government's Vaccine Awareness Campaign Committee and director of Star Imaging and Path Labs Ltd., said in a TV program that 18 plus people are to be vaccinated from May 1 and can also register for it through the Covin web portal. You can register
by logging on to More than 4 people can register for vaccination from a single mobile number. If you can't do that, then you can go to your nearest vaccination center and register. Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has also told about this.

Do 18+ people have to pay for the vaccine?
corona vaccine. Samir Bhati says that at present the situation is not very clear about its price. Guidelines on price are yet to come. This is ongoing. After this, prices will be displayed in hospitals. However, it also depends on the state governments. As Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announced that everyone will be vaccinated free of cost.

Can private companies also vaccinate their employees?

Such demand is coming from the corporate sector in many cities of the country, including Mumbai. According to Dr. Hemant Thakkar of Bridge Candy Hospital, Mumbai, earlier the government had complete control over production and distribution, but now it is being relaxed. The government has made it clear that companies will give 50 per cent of the vaccine production to the central government and can sell the remaining 50 per cent in the market. State governments can also demand directly from companies. In such a situation, it is likely that private companies may also run a parallel vaccination drive for their workers with the help of nursing homes or private hospitals. That is also important.

Are we lagging behind in vaccination compared to the pace of transition?

According to experts, there was little problem with the supply of vaccines. But now the situation is going to improve. Production is running for about 85 million people, while 13 million are needed by July. To bridge this gap, the central government has asked indigenous companies making Kovishield and Kovacasin, Serum Institute and Bharat Biotech to provide additional funds. In addition to Kovacacin and Covishield, the Sputnik V vaccine will also be coming soon. There are also WHO approved Moder Pfizer etc. from abroad. They can also be made available through the fasttrack system in India.
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Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Covid 19 Karmchari ne mrutyu Sahay mate 25 Lakh sahay maate nu check list.

Covid 19 Karmchari ne mrutyu Sahay mate 25 Lakh sahay maate nu check list.

Covid 19 Karmchari ne mrutyu Sahay mate 25 Lakh sahay maate nu check list.

A mortgage loan or simply mortgage (/ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ/) is a loan used either by purchasers of real property  to raise funds to buy real estate, or alternatively by existing property owners to raise funds for any purpose while putting a lien on the property being mortgaged. The loan is "secured" on the borrower's property through a process known as mortgage origination. This means that a legal mechanism is put into place which allows the lender to take possession and sell the secured property ("foreclosure" or "repossession") to pay off the loan in the event the borrower defaults on the loan or otherwise fails to abide by its terms. The word mortgage is derived from a Law French  term used in Britain in the Middle Ages meaning "death pledge" and refers to the pledge ending (dying) when either the obligation is fulfilled or the property is taken through foreclosure.[1] A mortgage can also be described as "a borrower giving consideration in the form of a collateral for a benefit (loan)".

Mortgage borrowers can be individuals mortgaging their home or they can be businesses mortgaging commercial property (for example, their own business premises, residential property let to tenants, or an investment portfolio). The lender will typically be a financial institution, such as a bank, credit union or building society, depending on the country concerned, and the loan arrangements can be made either directly or indirectly through intermediaries. Features of mortgage loans such as the size of the loan, maturity of the loan, interest rate, method of paying off the loan, and other characteristics can vary considerably. The lender's rights over the secured property take priority over the borrower's other creditors, which means that if the borrower becomes bankrupt or insolvent, the other creditors will only be repaid the debts owed to them from a sale of the secured property if the mortgage lender is repaid in full first.

In many jurisdictions, it is normal for home purchases to be funded by a mortgage loan. Few individuals have enough savings or liquid funds to enable them to purchase property outright. In countries where the demand for home ownership  is highest, strong domestic markets for mortgages have developed. Mortgages can either be funded through the banking sector (that is, through short-term deposits) or through the capital markets through a process called "securitization", which converts pools of mortgages into fungible bonds that can be sold to investors in small denominations.

Covid 19 Karmchari ne mrutyu Sahay mate 25 Lakh sahay maate nu check list.

Important Link

અગત્યની લિંક

25 લાખ સહાય બાબત 3/8/2021 નો પરિપત્ર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.


Download  Sahay Check List : Click Here

official letter : Click Here

The Hon'ble Governor in the presence of Hon'ble Minister of Education on 24/04/2021 addressed the educational and non-academic staff of all the primary, secondary and higher secondary schools in the state in the current situation of Covid-19 through a program of inspiration, encouragement and guidance. The Hon'ble Governor and Hon'ble Minister (Education) have given guidance to all the school families in the state to help the society in the current situation of Covid-19. In these critical times of the epidemic, if the people of the state get the right understanding and remedial action to prevent coronary infection through students and parents, strictly implement the guidelines issued by the government through the family and the students studying in the school and their parents. , Can do a great job of public education. The Hon'ble Governor and Hon'ble Minister for Education said that if the various steps taken by the Government in this regard are informed, it will have a positive impact on the people of the society. Her research is requested to see that the following steps are taken by all school family.

Steps to be taken by the school family:

(1) In the present situation, doctors, paramedical staff, police department, cleaners, 108, Dhanwantari Rath and other ambulance staff working as Frontline Warriors for the last one year as well as other Frontline Warriors who are contributing to the society day and night without worrying about their families. . Let's give warmth to the families of such Frontline Warriors as well as help them in their needs,


Public education by students through telephone and webinar,

1. Explain to the family members as well as the people of the society / village not to go out of the house without work.

2. Explain to family members as well as people in the community / village not to go out of the house without a mask.

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Saturday, 24 April 2021

You are at home, but you have to go out to get milk-vegetables and rations, what to do to prevent Corona from entering in such a situation? Learn the complete guideline

You are at home, but you have to go out to get milk-vegetables and rations, what to do to prevent Corona from entering in such a situation?  Learn the complete guideline

Corona's second wave has broken all records.  The central and state governments are trying to get most people to stay at home.  Lockdowns are in place in many cities, but people sitting in four walls also have to go out to get rations, milk, vegetables, fruits and medicine.  In such a situation they are worried that the coronavirus may not come into the house with them or with the item.  According to research conducted at the University of Florida in the United States, 18% of corona patients are also infecting their household members.  The rate was 7.5% in SARS and only 4.7% in MERS.  So know, the guideline of the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to avoid corona while staying at home ...

 Home delivery

 Make sure masks and gloves are worn at the time of delivery.  If this does not happen, do not take delivery and complain to the company concerned.
 Throw away cardboard or plastic packaging when food or groceries arrive at home.
 Throw away the packing material in the trash can kept outside the house.
 Take things out with clean hands and bring them inside the house.
 Wash or sanitize your hands thoroughly with soap.
 Rations or groceries
 Make a list of items: Risk at the store occurs when the item is shown to the shopkeeper or at the time of billing.  So make a list of what you want to buy.
 Also wear gloves: Wear disposable gloves along with masks and distillations, so that if you touch something during the transaction, it will prevent the virus from entering the house.
 Avoid cash or card payments: Pay online after billing.  Also, avoid card payments.  If you do cash transactions, give or take with gloved hands.
 Choose the right time: Choose a time to shop when the shop is less crowded.
 Return home with the item
 Keep a counter or table near the entrance to the house.  Keep it here for a while before bringing it in and disinfect it if it is a packed item.
 If the food is in a tin or plastic container, wash it with soap or water.
 Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with tap water.
 Do not wash fruits-vegetables, mutton-chicken with soap or bleach or sanitizer.  It can hurt.
 Clean the mobile phone cover by soaking it in alcohol base solution for Rs.
 Wash or sanitize your hands and feet with soap.  Take a bath if possible.
 Wash your clothes with detergent and water.  These clothes can also be washed with other clothes.
 Avoid shopping other than essentials.
 Home service or repair

 Before a plumber, electrician or engineer comes home

 Check local administration guidelines for what types of services are allowed.
 If someone in the home is sick or elderly, isolate them in one of the rooms before the service provider arrives.
 Communicate as many issues as possible, so that the service provider has less time at home.

 Work information and pictures can be sent by phone or email.
 Talk to Carona on the phone about caution.  For example, wearing a mask during a visit, checking your body temperature before entering, or talking about whether or not you are allowed to use the restroom at home.
 When the service provider arrives

 Ask the service provider to go inside wearing a mask.
 If he doesn't have a mask or doesn't wear a mask properly, give him a three-layer disposable mask.
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Saturday, 17 April 2021

If you notice symptoms of corona then adopt this time table will be 100% effective

If you notice symptoms of corona then adopt this time table will be 100% effective

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Monday, 12 April 2021

Complete Vaccine Guide

Complete Vaccine  Guide
Complete Vaccine Guide: If you have or have been vaccinated against corona, these 22 questions and answers will clear up your doubts.

1. I have never been infected but have allergies. Can I get vaccinated too?
A: Yes, you can get vaccinated if you have a mild allergy, but first consult a local doctor if you notice any illness or serious side effects.

2. What precautions do heart and diabetes patients need to take after getting vaccinated?
A. No precautions are required for vaccination. However, it should be applied once by asking a doctor.

How effective are both vaccines on Covid's new strain?
A. The vaccine is very effective, we are seeing that the severity of the virus in the vaccine taker seems to be negligible.

સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી વિગતવાર ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

4. What antibodies are formed after the first dose of vaccine? And yes, how many are ineffective?
A. Antibodies are formed from the first dose of the vaccine. While after the second dose it is only gradually increased, which also boosts the immune system.

9. I did not have fever and tingling in my limbs after taking the vaccine, so is the vaccine working?

Ans- It is not necessary that fever should come after taking the vaccine or any symptom should appear. Antibodies will form in each.

10. How many corona vaccines are available in the state? Can we get the vaccine of our choice?
A. At present India has Covishield and Covacin available. You must get the same vaccine that the vaccine center has. No selection is allowed in this.

11. Is it necessary to get vaccinated? What to do to apply?

A. Vaccination is voluntary. There are 3 different registration options. Reach out to the center to get the vaccine by registering on the Covin or Health Bridge app. Or you can go to another place and register onsite. Vaccination will be given immediately whenever the slot is empty. Third take the vaccine to the group with the help of staff.

12. How many days interval should there be between the two doses of vaccine?

A. The second dose should be taken 6-8 weeks after the first dose as prescribed by DCGI for Covishield. While the second dose should be taken 28 days after the first dose of covacin. It is very important to take both doses of the vaccine.

13. What happens if the second dose is not taken or missed on time?

A. If you forget or time goes by, take another dose sooner rather than later. Because it will stop the virus from building up immunity in the body. There is no point in taking the vaccine if you have not taken the second dose.

14. Which of the two vaccines is better?

A. Both vaccines are good. One can be almost equally effective. Vaccination is being done based on the dose available in the country. Older people who are also suffering from other ailments are also effective and beneficial for you.

15. Should both doses be from the same company's vaccine, or run separately?

Ans- It will be beneficial only when a person needs to apply the same company dose.

16. Children are not currently being vaccinated. Will they also be vaccinated at some point?

A. Children can be vaccinated when it is their turn. Not being installed at the moment. Currently, all of these vaccines are only available to people 18 and older. Experiments on children are just beginning, they will be given when the time comes. Children need to be vaccinated against other diseases according to their structure. Some of these vaccines are also able to provide some protection against corona like MMR and flue

17. Can pregnant women be vaccinated?

A. There is currently no safety list for pregnant women, which can only be proven after experiments. So such women should not take it now.

18. How long will antibodies remain after vaccination?

A. There is no information about this yet. Research is currently underway on how long the vaccine will be effective in the body.

19. Why are cases of covid infection occurring even after taking both doses of vaccine?

A. The infection is spread through the mouth and nose. Even if you become covid positive, the serious effects of the disease will not be seen.

20. Are the vaccines of any company other than these 2 coming in the market? How much more effective would it be?

Answer: Three more vaccines are coming in the market. The vaccine is still in the trial phase. If it passes this stage and the vaccine is approved by the Indian government, it will definitely be available in India. The effectiveness of this vaccine can only be determined after a trial.

21. Is it necessary to take the second dose from the center from which the first dose was taken?

A. No, it is not necessary to take the second dose from the center where the first dose was taken. The second dose of the vaccine should be taken before going to any health center and showing the identity card.

22. When will I get the vaccine, if I am 43 years old?

Ans: The vaccine is currently being given in the country along with front line workers and health workers to people above the age of 1 January 1977. People under the age of 45 will be vaccinated in the fourth phase in June or July.
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