CTET July 2020 Exam Form Notification ctet.nic.in
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Date for Submission of On-line Application: 24-01-2020 to 24-02-2020
Last date for accommodation of on-line Application: 24-02-2020Method of Submission of Online Application Form:
STEP1: Log on to CTET official site www.ctet.nic.in.
STEP2: Go to the connection "Apply Online" and open the equivalent.
STEP3: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down Registration No./Application No.
STEP4: Upload Scanned Images of most recent Photograph and Signature
STEP5: Pay Examination Fee by e-challan or charge/Visa and net banking
STEP6: Print Confirmation page for record and future reference.
CTET July 2020 Exam Form Notification ctet.nic.in
IPORTANT NOTES: Candidates can apply for CTET - July, 2020 ‘ON-LINE’ through CTET website www.ctet.nic.in w.e.f. 24-01-2020 to 24-02-2020 1. The candidate applying for CTET is required:- i) To go through the Information Bulletin carefully with the entire requirement therein. ii) To satisfy eligibility to appear in the examination. iii) To submit On-line application by giving full particulars by accessing the CTET official website www.ctet.nic.in. iv) To write complete mailing address with Postal PIN Code at the time of applying. v) Before submission of application form, decide the mode of payment of fee. vi) To keep the Confirmation Page along with the original copy of E-Challan (In case fee is paid through E-Challan) of Syndicate Bank or Canara Bank for future reference. vii) If a candidate submits on-line more than one application, his/her candidature shall be liable to be cancelled and the candidate may also be debarred for future examination(s). No communication will be sent in this regard. 2. Method of Submission of Online Application Form: STEP1: Log on to CTET official website www.ctet.nic.in. STEP2: Go to the link “Apply Online” and open the same. STEP3: Fill in the Online Application Form and note down Registration No./Application No. STEP4: Upload Scanned Images of latest Photograph and Signature STEP5: Pay Examination Fee by e-challan or debit/credit card and net banking STEP6: Print Confirmation page for record and future reference. 3. Registration Procedure: (a) Authentication Form: Fill details like State, Identification type (select any Identity as applicable), Candidate’s Name, and Date of Birth and Gender. (b) Fill Online Application Form: Fill complete online Application Form and choose password. After submission, a Registration Number/Application Number gets generated. Note down the Registration No./Application No. For subsequent login, system generated Registration No. /Application No. and chosen Password will be used. •Password Policy will be as follows: 1. Password must be 8 to 13 characters long. 2. Password must have at least one Upper case, one lower case alphabet and one numeric value and at least one special characters!@#$%^&*- 3. Candidate can change the passwords after login, if desired. New Password cannot be identical to any of the previous three passwords. •Candidate is advised not to disclose or share the password with anybody. Neither CTETnor NIC will be responsible for violation or misuse of the password of a candidate. •Candidate should log out at the end of their session so that the contents of the application cannot be tampered by unauthorized persons. (c) Online Uploading of Scanned Images: •Uploading of scanned Photo and Signature are mandatory. •Upload scanned photograph and signature in JPG/JPEG format. •Size of scanned photograph should be between 10 to 100 K•Image Dimension of photograph should be 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). •Size of scanned signature should be between 3 to 30 KB. •Image Dimension of signature should be 3.5 cm (length) x 1.5 cm (height). The candidates are advised to keep the scanned images of latest photograph and signature of the candidates ready in JPG format and as per the size and dimension specified, before applying online. The scanned image of latest photograph is required to upload to avoid the inconvenience at centre, as this photograph will be matched with the actual candidate appearing in the examination. (d) Pay Examination Fee: Fee Details for CTET - July, 2020 are as follows: CATEGORY Only Paper - I or II Both Paper - I & II General/OBC (NCL) Rs.1000/- Rs.1200/- SC/ST/Diff. Abled Person Rs.500/- Rs.600/- GST as applicable will be charged extra by the Bank Mode of Payment: •Remittance through E-Challan by depositing the prescribed fee in CTET Exam Fee Account with Syndicate Bank or Canara Bank. – Payment by Syndicate Bank e-Challan – Payment by Canara Bank e-Challan •By Online-mode (Payment by Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking). (e) Downloading of Confirmation Page: Candidates are required to take printout of Confirmation Page for record and keep it for their reference. The Confirmation Page is not required to be sent to CTET Unit. 4. The candidate should satisfy his/her eligibility before applying and shall be personally responsible in case he/she is not eligible to apply as per the given eligibility criteria. 5. Candidate should enter his/her particulars i.e. Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name and Date of Birth as per Class Xth Certificate. Please note that no request for any change in particular will be accepted under any circumstances after the specified date for online correction is over. 6. ‘ON-LINE’SUBMISSION - www.ctet.nic.in Candidates can apply ‘ON-LINE’ through CTET website www.ctet.nic.in. The candidate should supply all details while filling the Online Form and upload their scanned images of latest photograph & signature. After successful submission of data and requisite fee Candidates are required to take printout of Confirmation Page. 7. Correction/Updation in Details: The candidate’s particulars can not be changes/edited once the examination fee has been submitted. Thereafter corrections in the particulars can be made online w.e.f. 17-03-2020 (Tuesday) to 24-03-2020 (Tuesday) only and no further request for change in particulars will be entertained under any circumstances. The Board will not be responsible for any consequences arising out of non-acceptance of any correction/addition/deletion in any particular once filled in the Application Form whatsoever the reasons may be. The candidates shall be permitted to make on-line correction in their following particulars i.e. name, father and mother name, date of birth, category, differently abled category, Paper opted (i.e. Paper I or Paper II), Subject for Paper II, First choice of Centre, language I and/or II opted, Address of correspondence and the name of the Institution/College/University from where he/she has obtained his/her B.Ed Degree/Diploma in Elementary Education etc. This facility will be provided only once. Fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted for future test under any circumstances. No change will be accepted through offline mode i.e. through fax/application or by email etc. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Please note that no request for any change in particular will be accepted under any circumstances after the specified date for online correction is over. 8. The dates for downloading admit card will be available on CTET website for latest updates, please visit CTET official website www.ctet.nic.in 9. The address for correspondence: SMT. POONAM SACHDEVA, DY. SECRETARY CENTRALTEACHER ELIGIBILITYTEST UNIT, CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARYEDUCATION, PS 1-2, INSTITUTIONALAREA, I PEXTENSION, PATPARGANJ, DELHI-110 092 Contact No: 011-22240107, 22240112 Email: ctet.cbse@nic.in The candidate must retain Confirmation Page and Candidate Copy of E-Challan (if fee paid through Syndicate or Canara E-Challan) for record and future reference. Qualifying the CTET would not confer a right on any person for Recruitment/ Employment as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment. For latest updates, please visit CTET official Website : www.ctet.nic.in For any query, mail to Email: ctet.cbse@nic.in mentioning your Registration/ Application No. in the mail The candidate should mention their own mobile number and E-Mail ID while submitting their on-line application as the CTET alerts/information will be sent to the candidates on their. 1. BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE In accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the RTE Act, the National rd th Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) vide Notification dated 23 August, 2010 and 29 DECEMBER, 2011 laid down the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher for class I to VIII. It had been inter alia provided that one of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to in Clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act is that he/she should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE. The rationale for including the TET as a minimum qualification for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher is as under: i. It would bring national standards and benchmark of teacher quality in the recruitment process; ii. It would induce teacher education institutions and students from these institutions to further improve their performance standards; iii. It would send a positive signal to all stakeholders that the Government lays special emphasis on teacher quality The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt, of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi. 2. SHORT TITLE These rules will be called as “Central Teacher Eligibility Test Rules, 2011” (CTET). 3. DEFINITIONS i. “Government” means “Government of India”. ii. “Ministry” means “Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi”. iii. “Board” means “Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi”. iv. “School” for this purpose means any school where CTET is applicable as per RTE ACT 2009. v. “CTET” means “Central Teacher Eligibility Test”. vi. “Qualifying Examination” means “Examination on the result of which the candidate becomes eligible to apply for Central Teacher Eligibility Test. vii. “Rules” mean “The rules specified by the Central Board of Secondary Education for the conduct of CTET under the directive of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt, of India, New Delhi”. viii. “Schedule Castes” means “Scheduled Castes as specified and laid down by the Government of India”. ix. “Scheduled Tribes” means “Scheduled Tribes as specified and laid down by the Government of India”. x. “Other Backward Classes (OBCs)” means “Other Backward Classes as specified and laid down by the Government of India or by the respective States/UTs, where CTET isxi. “Differently abled persons” means “Differently abled persons as specified and laid down by the Government of India or the respective States/UTs, where CTET is applicable/adopted, as the case may be”. xii. “Examining Body” means “Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi for conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test on behalf of the Central Government”. 4. SCHEDULE OF EXAMINATION THE SCHEDULE OF CTET- JULY, 2020 IS GIVEN BELOW: (The Paper-l will be held in the morning session and Paper-II in the evening session) Date of Examination PAPER TIMING DURATION 05-07-2020 (Sunday) PAPER-I 09.30 AM TO 12.00 NOON 2.30 HOURS 05-07-2020 (Sunday) PAPER -II 02.00 PM TO 04.30 PM 2.30 HOURS 5. MODE OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION A candidate can apply for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test On-line by logging on CTET official website www.ctet.nic.in only. Ø Before applying online please ensure to have following documents / files: Ø Scanned image of latest photograph in JPG/JPEG format only, for uploading. Decide the mode of payment of fee: vThrough Debit/Credit Card/Net Banking using on-line gateway payment facility, v or Fee remitted through e-challan by downloading e-challan form from CTETofficial website. a) If decided to pay fee through Debit/Credit Card, check the validity of the Card and keep it ready with you while logging on to website for submitting application form. b) If decided to pay through e-challan, download e-challan after completing Part-II of Registration and deposit the Fee in CTET Exam Fee A/c with Syndicate Bank or Canara Bank. c) Once the payment has been confirmed by the Bank/CTET, a confirmation page will be generated. d) In case, the fee payment status is not ‘OK’the candidates are advised as following:- •If the fee is paid through e-challan be depositing cash in above mentioned bank, the candidate should contact immediately the concerned bank to update his/her fee status on the website. •If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not OK, it means the transaction is cancelled and the amount will be refunded to concerned credit/debit card within a week. Such candidates have to pay the fee once again. •If the fee is paid through net banking and status is not successful, it means the transaction is not completed. Such candidates have to pay the fee. e) Please note that fee submitted by any other mode like money order, demand draft, IPO etc. will be rejected. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. f) The candidates are NOT required to send hard copy of confirmation page to CTET Unit. However, the candidates are advised to retain the hard copy of the application i.e.
CTET July 2020 Exam Form Notification ctet.nic.in
:::::: IMPORTANT LINK::::::::::::