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Showing posts with label VIDEO. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 January 2020



In order to improve the primary education in the state, the unit was tested by taking four times a month from standard 1 to 9. The elementary teachers demanded to be taken only once a month as the unit was not going to be out of the test. Students from standard 3 to 8 were tested every Saturday by a subject unit that included the same course of study as Saturday, but the teachers were confused about how much of the unit to spend every Saturday during the week, 

Teachers are great sources of knowledge, prosperity and enlightenment to which 
intellectually. A teacher is a good person who takes very important responsibility of shaping up the lives of young ones and impressionable children. They get great feeling, pride and true joy in their life by teaching their students on the right path. They never do any type of partiality between good or bad students instead they always try to bring bad one on the right path through their lots of efforts. A good teacher is someone who spent their whole life in giving quality education to their students. They push all the students to do their best. They make learning process very interesting as well as creative. Teachers try their best to bring all the students on the right track by motivation them positively towards study. Good teachers leave good impression over their students. They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas. Without teachers in the life one cannot grow mentally, socially and intellectually. They push all the students to do their best. They make learning process very interesting as well as creative. Teachers try their best to bring all the students on the right track by motivation them positively towards study. Good teachers leave good impression over their students

anyone can be benefited for whole life. They serve as the real light in everyone’s life as they help students to make their ways in the life. They are the God gifted people in everyone’s life who lead us towards success without any selfishness. Really, we can call them as builders of the dazzling future of our nation through education. Teacher plays very essential role in the field of education who teaches students very nicely to be a person of good moral and behaviour. They make students academically superb and always encourage to do better in the life. They equip students with lots of knowledge, skills and positive attitudes so that students can never feel lost and go ahead. They help students to get sure about their goals of education through clear vision and ideas. Without teachers in the life one cannot grow mentally, socially and
including the station. The unit was raised in demanding teachers to be taken once a month for the tests. It is worth mentioning that after giving complete timetable of the unit test with full attention, the principal of the school was ordered to take the exam accordingly. Since that time, the entire education campaign in the work exam Trivedi has stated in the standard standards of primary school The entire education campaign was mentioned in the circular of the project director Indian Bharti as the school can compose the cost of the unit test.


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