So, with all this rain we are having, you've decided to take the plunge and buy a raincoat . But which one do you buy? What are some of the effects you need to look out for before choosing one? We have collected this handy checklist of 5 raincoat must- plutocrats for you to use when sussing out the options.
1. Waterproof fabric

The most egregious first point one would anticipate from any decent raincoat is that they've used leakproof fabric- and not just water repellent fabric/ treatment. Brands that use leakproof fabrics will generally tell you that they've used them in the manufacturing process and should tell you to what position they're leakproof. They will want to let you know they've used a high quality leakproof fabric, because it's bring them a lot further than a shower- evidence or water repellent fabric would, and they want you know that this is incompletely why their product will bring further. Leakproof fabrics differ from water repellent fabrics- a leakproof fabric has been tested in a laboratory using the hydrostatic head or water column test which looks at how altitudinous a column of water( measured in mm) a fabric can hold before water starts to transude through it. Water repellent fabrics will have a coating to repel water( you might see it blob off your fabric) but this will last only a many wetlands before it stops being effective, and will need to bere-applied. In general, a fabric is considered leakproof if it can repel 3000 mm of water from oohing through during the hydrostatic head test. Fabrics can increase in leakproof situations up to 20 000 mm still, some critics have said that anything further than 10 000 mm can also intrude with the breathability of the fabric. But further about that latterly. All Scribbler's fleeces are leakproof to at least 3000 mm, and go up to a position of 10 000 mm as we do not want breathability to be compromised.
2. Sealed seams

You might have a fleece that says it's leakproof up to 20 000 mm still, it could still blunder if the seams have not been sealed in some way. Darned seams are an area of weakness where water will find a way to get through, leaving you wet under indeed a veritably high spec fabric. This is why sealing all seams with a special leakproof tape recording, internally after they've been darned iscrucial.However, and you could still get wet through the seams in a strong rain, If your raincoat is not completely confluence sealed also it isn't entirely leakproof. All Scribbler's leakproof shell and performance fleeces are completely confluence sealed, making them truly leakproof.
3. A good hood

So the welkin have opened and you've got your raincoat on the coming crucial element is a good hood to pull over your head. But what makes one hood better than another? In a rainfall there's generally some wind, or you might need to run for cover, so in order to stop the hood from blowing off your head- a way to acclimate it's crucial. Toggles that you can snappily pull on to strain the hood around your face is commodity you do not suppose about until you're in that rain! Having a small peak on the front is also a big plus as this harbors your eyes allowing you to see in front of you have you ever tried running in the rain and wind before? The peak can also help cover spectacles or make- up from streaming too!) At Scribbler, all our hoods are malleable and all leakproof featherlight rain jackets have a peak, so that you're well taken care of in a storm!
4. Breathability

So, you've got the leakproof, confluence sealed, hooded rain fleece on, and you start walking fast/ handling to get to cover home as soon as you can, but your raincoat is rubberised or isn't permeable and now you're sweating and it feels like you're in your veritably own sauna! A permeable fabric is another crucial element that numerous people forget about. They know they need to keep the rain off, but they forget they also need to let the water vapour and perspiration that we all produce, out! The breathability of a fabric indicates how well the fabric can absorb humidity and release it. This is measured in mvp- humidity vapour perspiration. The more permeable a fabric, the further warmth that will be lost too, so you need to decide what you'll be using your raincoat
for utmost of the time. For illustration, Scribbler's coat clicked fleeces have a purposefully lower breathability standing of 800 mvp as these fleeces are erected for warmth as well as being leakproof, still, our featherlight leakproof rain jackets have a much advanced standing of breathability of 5000 mvp- meaning these are perfect for layering( if you want warmth) but will be really good at moderating body temperature while you're out walking/ hiking or doing other forms of mild exercise.
5. Length
The length of a raincoat / rain jacket is also commodity to bear in mind, as wherever the raincoat covers, you'll be dry but wherever it does not cover will get wet! A bit of a longer length at the reverse is always good- especially if you'll be bending down, working in the theater or picking up or buckling in kiddies. A longer length helps with better content from the rain, still, too long can circumscribe movement and be a tripping hazard. This again, depends on what you'll be using the fleece for utmost of the time. Scribbler's ladies fleeces all have a longer length back for that little bit of redundant content and we've a new longer length rain jacket too.