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Showing posts with label INCOME TAX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INCOME TAX. Show all posts

Friday, 5 June 2020

Income Tax Return E-filing for AY 2020-21 fy 2019-20

Income Tax Return E-filing for AY 2020-21 fy 2019-20

The delineation between system software such as and application software is not exact,

Income tax form Start for Ay 2020-21 and 2019-20.
however, and is occasionally the object of controversy. For example, one of the key questions in the trial was whether Microsoft's was part of its operating system or a separable piece of application software.

use Forget password option.

As another example, the is, in part, due to disagreement about the relationship between the and the operating systems built over this . In some types of , the application software and the operating system software maybe indistinguishable to the user, as in the case of software used to control a player. The above definitions may exclude some applications that may exist on some computers in large organizations. For an alternative definition of an app.

5. After Select ” Filling Of Income Tax Return” Tab. Y

Some applications are available in versions for several different platforms; others only work on one and are thus called, for example. an
and also fill up other option

 application for Sometimes a new and popular application arises which only runs on one , increasing the desirability of that platform. This is called killer app. For example, VisiCalc was the first modern software for the Apple II and helped selling the then-new into offices. For Blackberry it was their software.
2019-20 Under “computation of Income and Tax” Tab.

Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore all teachers should strive for what can be considered to be a "good teacher." A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative.

After Fill up all data. you have to check Ones again all 

 A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. Teachers, especially at the elementary level, must be very creative with their teaching styles. Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. It is difficult to keep the attention of 15-20 children under the age of ten.

Classroom setup and design is a good way to get and keep the attention of students. Workstations are a good way to encourage different types of learning. By allowing children a chance to choose which activities they want to participate in, children are taking control of their own education. At the elementary level, children are always learning and sometimes don't even know it. When I was in kindergarten, I can remember playing at the different stations in the classroom. One station was for gardening and we could plant seeds and check them every day to see how much they had grown. Another station in that classroom that sticks out in my mind is the arts and crafts station. There was a large array of crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper and building materials we could use to make pretty decorations to give to our parents for our homes. By choosing which station we wanted to work at, we were becoming much more interested in what we were learning because we were doing what we wanted to do, not what we had to do. By setting high standards for a student, the teacher is encouraging the student to do the same and will eventually...

The best web hosting provider right now overall is InMotion hosting. It's the best all-rounder in the market and is able to service individuals and businesses of all sizes looking for WordPress or ecommerce hosting
Bluehost is another web hosting provider worth looking at. Part of one of the world's largest website hosting companies and with a solid set of features, it is regularly ranked amongst the top web hosts. Read more about these web hosting services and more below!

Once you have accessed the FTP Manager these steps will explain show to create an FTP account.

Most people who are interested in learning how to become profitable traders need only spend a few minutes online before reading such phrases as "plan your trade; trade your plan" and "keep your losses to a minimum." For new traders, these tidbits of information can seem more like a distraction than any actionable advice. New traders often just want to know how to set up their charts so they can hurry up and make money.

To be successful in trading, one needs to understand the importance of and adhere to a set of tried-and-true rules that have guided all types of traders, with a variety of trading account sizes.

Each rule alone is important, but when they work together the effects are strong. Trading with these rules can greatly increase the odds of succeeding in the markets.

Users create this software themselves and often overlook how important it is.

The best web hosting provider right now overall is InMotion hosting. It's the best all-rounder in the market and is able to service individuals and businesses of all sizes looking for WordPress or ecommerce hosting

Bluehost is another web hosting provider worth looking at. Part of one of the world's largest website hosting companies and with a solid set of features, it is regularly ranked amongst the top web hosts. Read more about these web hosting services and more below!

Once you have accessed the FTP Manager these steps will explain show to create an FTP account.

Most people who are interested in learning how to become profitable traders need only spend a few minutes online before reading such phrases as "plan your trade; trade your plan" and "keep your losses to a minimum." For new traders, these tidbits of information can seem more like a distraction than any actionable advice. New traders often just want to know how to set up their charts so they can hurry up and make money.

To be successful in trading, one needs to understand the importance of and adhere to a set of tried-and-true rules that have guided all types of traders, with a variety of trading account sizes.

Each rule alone is important, but when they work together the effects are strong. Trading with these rules can greatly increase the odds of succeeding in the markets.

Users create this software themselves and often overlook how important it is.

Income Tax Return E-filing for AY 2020-21 fy 2019-20

:-:-:importanrt link:-:-:

Official Website Click here
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Wednesday, 11 December 2019

IncomeTax Calculation File For Year 2019-20

IncomeTax Calculation File For Year 2019-20.

 significant amount of teaching.Massage School Dallas Texas In most countries, formal teaching is usually carried out by paid professional teachers. This article focuses on those who are employed, as their main role, to teach others in a formal education context, such as at a school or other place of initial formal education or training.Teaching is a highly complex activity. This is in part because teaching is a social practice, that takes place in a specific context (time, place, culture, socio-political-economic situation etc.) and therefore reflects the values of that specific context. Factors that influence what is expected (or required) of teachers nclude history and tradition, social views about the purpose of education, accepted theories about learning etc Online College Course.

Research shows that student motivation and attitudes towards school are closely linked to student-teacher relationships. Enthusiastic teachers are particularly good at creating beneficial relations with their students. Their ability to create effective learning environments that foster student achievement depends on the kind of relationship they build with their students. Useful teacher-to-student interactions are crucial in linking academic success with personal achievement. Here, personal success is a student's internal goal of improving himself, whereas academic success includes the goals he receives from his superior. A teacher must guide her student in aligning her personal goals with her academic goals. Students who receive this positive influence show stronger self-confidence and greater personal and academic success than those without these teacher interactions.Students are likely to build stronger relations with teachers who are friendly and supportive and will show more interest in courses taught by these teachers. Teachers that spend more time interacting and working directly with students are perceived as supportive and effective teachers. Effective teachers have been shown to invite student participation and decision making, allow humor into their classroom, and demonstrate a willingness to play Online College Course

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Monday, 2 December 2019

Imcome Tax Jat Akarni patrak excel file. Income Tax Calculator 2019. Created by Suleman Bhovaniya. Password 12345

Imcome Tax Jat Akarni patrak excel file. Income Tax Calculator 2019. Created by Suleman Bhovaniya.

Password 12345

Download Income Tax Calculator 

This app is providing income tax calculator and forms to government employees working in Gujarat . It is very easy to use. Users will find all guidanceIncome Tax Form 2019-20 - Gujarati. This app is providing income tax calculator and forms to government employees working in Gujarat. ... You have to enter figures of salaries, other incomes and deductible amounts. All the calculations are displayed in the app.

Income Tax Jat Akarni Forms In Excel For Year 2019. Hello Friends Here are two Calculators for year 2019/ 20. One is Created by sulemanbhai

You can upload your recovered files directly to Google Drive, Dropbox, or send them via email. The app also allows you to save the files to a different local folder on your device.

If your device is not rooted, the app will perform a “limited” scan for your deleted photos by searching your cache and thumbnails.

If your device is rooted, the app will search all of your device’s memory for any trace of photos, as well as videos.

Imcome Tax Jat Akarni patrak excel file. Income Tax Calculator 2019. Created by Suleman Bhovaniya. Password 12345

Imcome Tax Jat Akarni patrak excel file. Income Tax Calculator 2019. Created by Suleman Bhovaniya.

Password 12345

Download Income Tax Calculator : Click here

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Saturday, 30 November 2019

Income Tax Slab For Ay 2020-21 and Financial Year 2019-20

Income Tax Slab For Ay 2020-21 and Financial Year 2019-20

1. Income Tax Slab Rate for AY 2020-21 for Individuals:1.1 Individual (resident or non-resident), who is of the age of less than 60 years on the last day of the relevant previous year:

Up to Rs. 2,50,000 :::: Nil
Rs. 2,50,000- Rs. 5,00,000 :::: 5%
Rs. 5,00,000- Rs. 10,00,000 ::::: 20%
Above Rs. 10,00,000 ::::: 30% 

1.2 Resident senior citizen, i.e., every individual, being a resident in India, who is of the age of 60 years or more but less than 80 years at any time during the previous year:

Up to Rs. 3,00,000 :::: Nil
Rs. 3,00,000 – Rs. 5,00,000 :::: 5%
Rs. 5,00,000- Rs. 10,00,000 :::: 20%
Above Rs. 10,00,000 :::: 30%

1.3 Resident super senior citizen, i.e., every individual, being a resident in India, who is of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the previous year:

Up to Rs. 5,00,000 ::: Nil

Rs. 5,00,000- Rs. 10,00,000 :::: 20%

Above Rs. 10,00,000 :::: 30%

Plus: - 
Health and Education cess: - 4% of income tax and surcharge.

Note: - A resident individual is entitled for rebate under section 87A if his total income does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000. The amount of rebate shall be 100% of income-tax or Rs. 12,500, whichever is less.

What is rebate under section 87A and who can claim it?

Section 87A Rebate

  • During the interim budget declared in February 2019, the then finance minister Mr. Piyush Goyal announced the government’s proposal that people with income up to INR 5,00,000 will not have to pay any taxes. And this would be possible with the help of tax rebates.
  • The proposed modification to the Income Tax Act would make sure that taxpayers, whose net taxable income is up to INR 5,00,000 don’t have to pay any income tax. To allow for this to happen, an existing section, 87A was updated in the Income Tax Act.
  • Section 87A was introduced for the first time in 2013, allowing taxpayers to avail rebate if their net taxable income was below the threshold levels. 
  • What is an income-tax rebate? As per the amendments to Section 87A, if your annual taxable income is INR 5,00,000 or lower, you can avail the tax rebate. The existing laws made way for a 2,500 income tax rebate. However, the updated law ensured that the limit was increased to a 12,500 income tax rebate.
  • But it is crucial to understand that this rebate holds good only for taxpayers whose annual taxable income is below the threshold limit. If you exceed the limit, you cannot avail any rebates. Here are the eligibility criteria for availing the tax rebate.
  • The rebate is designed only for individual taxpayers. If you belong to a HUF or firm or company, you cannot avail this rebate.
  • There are no restrictions based on gender for this section, meaning men and women can both avail the benefits.

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Income Tax Online Calculator For Ay 2020-21 And Financial Year 2019-20

Income Tax Online Calculator for Ay 2020-21 and Financial Year 2019-20

FAQs on Income Tax Calculation in India

Q What is income ?

Income means the amount that an individual earns in exchange for providing goods or services.In other words, income is the sum of all the wages, salaries, profits, interests payments, rents, and other forms of earnings received for a period of time.
For the purpose of taxation, income has been categorized into five heads :

Income from Salary .For detail please click here
Income from House Property. For detail please click here .
Income from Profit & Gain of Business & Profession
Income from Capital Gain
Income from Other Sources

Q What is income tax ?

An income tax is a direct tax which is imposed on assessee depending upon the their respective income or profit. In other words, it is the tax levied on the income earned.

Q When income tax is required to be paid ?

Income Tax is required to be paid when your income exceeds the Basic Exemption Limit. This limit is specified by the government every year. Currently, it is Rs. 2,50,000 for Individual below the age of 60 Years.

Q What is the period for which tax is calculated?

Tax is charged on any income earned during the period April 1- March 31. The year in which the income has been earned is known as the ‘previous year’ and the year in which the tax is calculated, is known as the ‘assessment year.

Q What are the benefits of tax calculation beforehand?

You should calculate Taxes beforehand so that you are able to set aside the funds which you will be needing for paying taxes at the time of filing return.Therefore, at the time of return filing, you don’t have to rush for arranging funds.The other benefit is, it lets you know that whether your taxes will go up or down in comparison to the previous year.

Q How to calculate income tax in India?

In India,the Income tax is calculated on the basis of tax rates and slabs defined by Finance Ministry in the budget which is presented every year.

What calculations are made by the calculator?

  • The Income Tax calculator carries out following calculations for the Assessment Year selected by you :
  • Income from Salary and Wages, House Property, Presumptive Business and Other Sources.
  • Total Deductions available under various sections of Chapter VIA.
  • Taxable Income after taking into account income from all sources of income (viz. Salary and Wages, House Property, Capital Gains, Business and Profession, Agriculture (for Rate purpose) and Other Sources and available deductions.
  • Taxable Income at Normal Rates and Taxable Income at Special Rates.
  • Slab-wise Taxable Income and Income Tax
  • Rebate available under Section 87A to tax payees having taxable income below specified limit.
  • Health & Education Cess, Surcharge and Marginal Relief on Surcharge
  • Total Tax Liability and Income Net of Tax

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Thursday, 18 April 2019



From 1st July onwards, it is mandatory to link your PAN with Aadhaar and mention it in your IT returns. If you have applied for Aadhaar, you can mention the enrollment number in your returns.
Read our Guide on how to link your PAN with Aadhaar.
Step 1.Get started
Login to your ClearTax account.
Click on ‘Upload Form 16 PDF’ if you have your Form 16 in PDF format.If you do not have Form 16 in PDF format click on ‘Continue Here’
Step 2.Enter personal info
Enter your Name, PAN, DOB and Bank account details.
Step 3.Enter salary details
Fill in your salary, employee details (Name and TAN) and TDS.
Step 4.Enter deduction details
Enter investment details under Section 80C(eg. LIC, PPF etc., and claim other tax benefits here.
Step 5.Add details of taxes paid
If you have non-salary income,eg. interest income or freelance income, then add tax payments that are already made. You can also add these details by uploading Form 26AS
Step 6.E-file your return
If you see “Refund” or “No Tax Due” here, Click on proceed to E-Filing.You will get an acknowledgement number on the next screen.
Step 7: E-Verify
Once your return is file E-Verify your income tax return

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Saturday, 23 March 2019

e- Filing Process and Pay Income Tax Step by Step Information in Gujarati

ITR 1 & ITR 4S Online e- Filing Process Step by Step Information in Gujarati

Prepare and Submit ITR1 / ITR 4S (Sugam) Online Undertand in gujarati

You have the option to submit ITR 1/ITR 4S forms by uploading XML or by online submission

Login to e- Filing application

Go to ‘e File’ ‘Prepare and Submit ITR Online’

Select the Income Tax Return Form ITR 1/ITR 4S and the assessment year.

Fill in the details and then click the submit button and choose DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)’ (if available)

Click on ‘Submit’.

After submission, acknowledgement detail is displayed.

Click on the link to view or generate a printout of acknowledgement/ITR V form.
If You use DSC, you have to register it in the e-filing application. You can do so by logging in on the e-filing website of the IT Department and updating the Profile Settings section. Under Profile Settings, you have to select Register Digital Signature Certificate and download the ITD e-Filing DSC Management Utility. You can use this utility to generate the DSC file.

How to pay income tax via online banking ?

In order to pay income tax through online banking, follow these simple steps:

Visit –
Under ‘Services’ click on ‘e-payment’ to pay taxes online or click on the tab ‘e-payment : Pay Taxes Online’

Select the challan that is relevant for your income category from ITNS 280, ITNS 281, ITNS 282, ITNS 283, ITNS 284 or Form 26 QB demand payment (for TDS on property sale) as applicable.

Enter the details of the PAN / TAN and other necessary challan details like accounting head under which payment is made, the address of the taxpayer and the bank through which payment is being made.

Once you have submitted the details, a confirmation screen will be displayed. If PAN / TAN is verified as per the ITD PAN / TAN master, then the full name of the taxpayer will be displayed on the confirmation screen.

After confirmation, the website will redirect you to your choose bank’s payment page. You can take advantage of your bank’s net banking services to complete the payment.

You will require to login to your bank’s net-banking website with your user id and password to carry out the payment process.

Once you have made the payment, you will receive a challan receipt that will include details fo CIN, payment details and bank’s name. You can save the receipt for future reference.

Check the income tax refund status online?

The refund process for online income tax takes around two to six month from the date of e-filing returns online. If you need to track the status of the refund,

you can follow these steps:

Login to the NSDL-TIN website

Enter your PAN number and assessment year

The status of your online income tax

Refund will be displayed on the screen

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Saturday, 16 March 2019

This is 5 ways to save income tax, big profit

This is 5 ways to save income tax, big profit

Mutual Fund is an investment vehicle that is made up of a pool of funds collected from many investors for the purpose of investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments and similar assets. One of the main advantages of mutual funds is that they give small investors access to professionally managed, diversified portfolios of equities, bonds and other securities, which would be quite difficult (if not impossible) to create with a small amount of capital.

A complete, but concise, tutorial about mutual funds in a one-page format with sidebars, illustrations, formulas, examples, and clear definitions of basic terms.Mutual Fund CompaniesInvestment AdviserBoard of DirectorsCustodianTypes of Investment CompaniesManagement CompaniesOpen-End Mutual FundsClosed-End Mutual FundsExchange Traded Funds (ETF)Evaluating a Mutual FundProspectusStatement of Additional Information (SAI)FeesNo Load Mutual Fund FeesClasses of Mutual Fund SharesExpense RatioMeasuring Mutual Fund PerformanceInvesting in a Mutual FundBuying Mutual Fund SharesProfiting from a Mutual FundRegulation of Mutual Fund CompaniesWhat to Consider When Buying Mutual Fund SharesNo-Load Funds may have Fees for Purchasing or Selling SharesLower Fees and Expenses Increases Total Returns and Yields; Higher Expenses Lowers ReturnsBeware of Closet Indexers Statement of Additional Information (SAI)New Format for Prospectuses: the Summary Prospectus and the Statutory ProspectusA Mutual Fund's Past Performance is no Indication of its Future Performance Shareholder Fees12b-1 Fees (Shareholder Service Fees)Sales LoadClasses of Mutual Fund SharesSales.

This is 5 ways to save income tax, big profit.

Click here is read in Gujarati

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