anything. Symptoms include depression, helplessness, and anger. If you have any of the following four or more symptoms, it is advisable to seek treatment from a psychiatrist, Always Check Our Website to Know Upcoming Latest Jobs, Technology Tips, Helth Tips and General Information Updates, remain with us avakarnews Please share with your companions this Post, Keep visiting for more jobs and study material updates.
Identify Depression and Treat it for Depression: Sleep disturbances, late sleep, occasional eye openings, sleep deprivation two to three hours earlier than usual, refreshing, deep sleep or excessive sleep.
• Loss of appetite, weight loss.
• To be depressed, not to indulge in activities of interest,
• Feeling weak, tired soon.
• I'm of no use. Such an adenoma.
• Constant frustration.
• I have done nothing wrong, I have committed a great sin, the wrong feeling of being guilty
Lack of concentration, difficulty in making decisions.
Speak-walk-think become dull or become fast,gossip
• Constant thoughts of death, thoughts of suici or attempt.
by arguments, despite giving false evidence. E.g. My brain is rotten. My heart is pounding, I have committed unforgivable sins, I am of no use, I have become a beggar wandering in a poor way, etc.
Physical symptoms: such as pain in different parts of
the body head, body, chest, back pain, weakness - weakness, etc., patients go to the doctor for depression. The medical examination does not reveal any physical cause for these symptoms. In our country, especially all patients with depression go to the doctor with the same physical symptoms. If a proper diagnosis is not made, the patient has to undergo various tests. Many ineffective drugs are given, a lot of costs are incurred but the problems do not go away.
The above mentioned physical and mental symptoms persist for about twenty four hours in depressed patients. Sadness cannot be removed from any good occasion or good news. Some patients are reluctant to go to the doctor for treatment as they feel a burden on their family.
The biggest risk of depression is suicide. Depression accounts for more than 90% of all suicidal deaths. The first ten most important causes of death include suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four. 17% of depressed patients die from suicide.
depressed patients die from suicide.
Contrary to popular belief, most suicide attempts and suicide attempts are committed by friends, doctors or family members. If someone talks about suicide, it should be taken seriously and diagnosed and treated by a psychiatrist as soon as possible, so that the risk of suicide can be avoided. The higher the risk of suicide, the higher the risk of depression in two stages: helplessness, depression, etc., when the patient is recovering from depression during treatment...
- Symptoms of Depression - Identify Depression and Treat it for Depression
Read the Article of Depression in a Important links:
Types of depression: Depression can be diagnosed if the symptoms persist for more than two weeks in a row. The more serious the depression, the greater the impact on daily life. As the severity of the disease increases, it becomes impossible to enjoy even the activities you like. Only with successful treatment can most patients recover completely.
Symptoms of Depression - Identify Depression and Treat it for Depression