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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Health. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Health. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الجمعة، 18 فبراير 2022

Health Tips: Why is raw mango consumption like nectar in summer? Learn the many benefits of raw mangoes.

Health Tips: Why is raw mango consumption like nectar in summer? Learn the many benefits of raw mangoes.

Consumption of raw mango is also very beneficial ... If you eat raw mango-onion salad and go out in the sun, it doesn't even feel hot  Raw mango sauce, mash is made 

Zee Bureau, Ahmedabad: Raw mango is a healthy fruit .... Raw mangoes arrive in the market as soon as the heat starts. It is cool to see such citrus fruits in abundance in the market in summer. Raw mangoes are also effective in reducing weight ... Raw mangoes are also considered very good for patients with diabetes. Apart from this, excessive consumption of everything is harmful. Summer is the season of mango, whether it is raw or ripe mango, everyone loves it. Carries everything from the heat of summer to the chills of the stomach. But here we will mention some of the benefits of raw mango ..

Consumption of raw mango is also very beneficial ... If you eat raw mango-onion salad and go out in the sun, you don't even feel hot ... Raw mango sauce, mash is made .... ...

Similar to 1-raw mango nectar

A raw mango has even more vitamin C than apples, bananas, lemons and oranges. Raw mangoes contain so many different nutrients that can cure many ailments. Eating raw mangoes does not cause dehydration.

2-To lose weight

Raw mangoes are high in fiber. Which removes excess body fat. At the same time, mangoes contain very low amounts of natural glucose which makes them less likely to gain weight.

3-Acidity will be removed

If there is a complaint of acidity, he should take raw mango for special lunch. Acidity has become common nowadays due to irregular eating. But the consumption of raw mango does not cause acidity problem.

Beneficial for 4-lever

Eating raw mangoes can improve liver problems. Raw mango is a natural remedy to improve liver function. Bile and acid in the liver cause many diseases. Raw mango also eliminates intestinal infections.

5-Teeth will be healthy

Raw mango cleans not only gums but also teeth. Teeth stay strong longer because of raw mangoes. Also the bad breath coming out of the mouth is removed.

6-Immunity will increase

Raw mangoes boost the body's immune system. Also gives the ability to fight many diseases.

7-Will eliminate blood disorder

Raw mangoes are high in vitamin C which helps in fighting against blood disorders. The problem of blood disorder can be eliminated by consuming raw mango.


8- Loo can be avoided

Raw mango elixir is a great way to escape the heat of summer. At the same time, it also removes the heat caused by the body. Raw mangoes provide internal cooling to the body in heat so that body temperature is maintained and can fight heat.

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Unala Ma Heat Wawe Thi Bachva Shu Karsho ? Know Details

Unala Ma Heat Wawe Thi Bachva Shu Karsho ? Know Details

Whether it is a small or big event that happens in daily life or an important event-experience associated with life, it leaves an impression on every body-mind. We have all experienced the passion of the scene in the picture. Experiences such as twisting the fingers or the legs in a certain position and feeling relieved after the scene is over or taking a deep breath indicate that the effects of the scenes in front of us, the thoughts that arise in the mind and the emotions that arise from it are limited to the mind. Not living, also happens on the body.

You may also go through experiences like getting bored, falling asleep, sometimes diarrhea-nausea, not feeling hungry during the preparation of difficult subjects in the exam. Physical effects such as sore throat, sweating while going to a meeting which is very important for job-business may have an effect on the body due to thoughts running in the mind, aggression, anxiety, eagerness.
Such psychosomatic effects are not unique to specific situations. Everyone, big or small, has a psychological effect on their physical, mental and social experiences. With this in mind, it is understandable that efforts alone are not enough to nourish, protect, or strengthen the body. Maintaining health requires maintaining awareness about every aspect physically, mentally and socially. From such a very subtle and far-sighted perspective, Ayurveda has discussed in great detail about the ‘good news’ for maintaining health. Psycho-physical and social well-being for health

The scenes seen in the picture affect the sensory mind through the eye and convey it to the body. In the same way, the body is affected by emotions like anxiety, worry, fear that run from a particular situation in the mind. Which we will call the mutual psychosomatic effect. But Ayurveda says to go beyond here and focus on social life, conduct.

Whether it is a daily routine of life or a special behavior like a student, a householder, a man or a woman, an employee. In view of each and every such aspect, a person should be free from rage, hatred, etc., in all such relationships with his elders, gurus, servants, animals, while maintaining serenity of mind and intellect, showing readiness in truthfulness. That is important for health. Asked to understand the serious reasons behind the see

Experience teaches us what is the result of expecting more than one's own strength. But how much does he understand from experience? And Ayurveda gives very detailed instructions to cultivate the wisdom to live life with such understanding.

The list of diseases such as heart disease caused by tension, stress, high blood pressure, emotional eating disorder, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, white spots on the skin, eczema is very long. But despite knowing all this, what and how much can we do about it? Because the effect of conditioning on the mind and body to some extent cannot be completely denied. That is why yoga is limited to asanas only, even in meditation there are thoughts about how to stop the thought, how to just see the thoughts. The implication here is that stress is also for the effectiveness of stress relief measures! This is because of the fact that stress and body-mind disorders are the focus of attention. So the way darkness cannot be erased. Light is enough to remove darkness. Similarly, if one wants to get immunity-protection against stress or psycho-physical or social disorder, then by adopting the ‘good news’ suggested by Ayurveda in the context of today's modern age, the side effects on health can be prevented.

Everybody, big or small, has a psychological effect on their physical, mental and social experiences.
Experience achieved:Chemical powder made from amla, Dhatriyasayan, Amalki Rasayan, Chyavanprashavaleh with proper guidance can be used with nature-friendly diet and vihar to help prevent possible diseases and aging problems.

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الأربعاء، 16 فبراير 2022

90% of people do not know which side to sleep at night, left or right? Learn how to avoid stomach ailments as well as other ailments while sleeping

90% of people do not know which side to sleep at night, left or right? Learn how to avoid stomach ailments as well as other ailments while sleeping

Within Ayurveda, it is stated that an adult should get seven to eight hours of sleep regularly. So that his health is maintained well. There is a lot of talk about a person's health in Ayurveda based on the way a person sleeps. Everyone's sleep patterns are different. Just as one sleeps on the left side, one sleeps on the right side. Some sleep with their back straight, while others sleep with their stomach upside down. But there are also conditions out there that are very detrimental to our health.

Sleeping on the left side usually after a meal or during the night helps maintain good health. It is considered very beneficial for anyone to sleep on the left side. But most people don't know why sleeping on the left side is the only way to maintain good health. And what kind of benefits does it bring?
The main reason behind sleeping on the left side is that according to Ayurveda, the stomach is tilted to the left side of a person's body, and that is why if you sleep on the left side after a meal, the food eaten inside the stomach is easily reached. And there the digestion is also done properly. And this is why the left side of the ground causes the digestive system to function properly and the food eaten is easily digested. Sleeping on the left side proves to be very beneficial for the heart. Blood circulation is also good. There are many other benefits to sleeping on the left side as well...
Sleeping on the left side does not put enough pressure on the heart and the heart can function properly. In addition, sleeping on the left side also allows the autonomic system to function properly. So that enough oxygen reaches every organ of the body. And that's how the brain and our body can function properly. Sleeping on the left side does not put pressure on the heart. That is why the working style of the heart is always good and sleeping on the left side is considered very good for health.
 is stated in Ayurveda that if a pregnant woman sleeps on her left side, it increases the chances of her baby developing properly inside the womb. And at the same time it has a good effect on the health of the baby inside the womb and the mother. Therefore, any pregnant woman should lie on her left side till she becomes pregnant. In addition, the heart does not function properly due to sleep on the left side. So that enough blood is available to every part of the body. And this is why blood circulation inside the body is done properly.
pregnant woman usually has an enlarged abdomen. This puts pressure on the liver and kidneys. But if the pregnant woman sleeps on the left side, this problem is relieved and there is no pressure on the kidneys and liver. Lying on the left side does not put too much pressure on the waist, back and spine as well as relaxes the back muscles. So that the back pain does not remain. As well as a very dense and long sleep comes.

Another reason for sleeping on the left side is gravity. It helps to deliver food comfortably from the small intestine to the large intestine. So that in the morning the stomach is comfortably cleansed. As well as sleeping on the left side, oxygen flows evenly to the brain and other parts of the body. Which has a positive effect on our physical and mental health. In addition, sleeping on the left side can also prevent pain in the veins, back and neck.

Sleeping on the left side provides oxygen to all the organs and the brain. Which leads to good physical and mental health and has a good effect on the brain. Sleeping on the left side is considered to be very good for health as the body gets oxygen well. As a result many diseases can be cured. When sleeping in this position the stomach acid goes down instead of up. Which also reduces acidity and inflammation in the chest.

Sleeping on the left side reduces stomach related diseases, fatigue, bloating, defecation etc. Sleeping on the left side allows the pancreas to function more easily, thus strengthening the digestive system. Apart from that, the doctor also advises people who have digestive problems to sleep on the left side. Apart from that sleeping on the left side can avoid bile problems. As well as the problem of acidity and inflammation does not occur. Sleeping on the left side does not accumulate fat and obesity can be avoided. Thus sleeping on the left side has many benefits.

 Learn the benefits of sleeping on the left::

Sleep is very important for our body. Sleep relieves the fatigue of our body and the brain starts working faster. According to experts, the position we sleep in has a great impact on our body. Yes, that's right you can now become known as a Lord of the Rings. It is not possible for us to sleep on the same side. This is how a man turns around when he is asleep. He sleeps most on the side where he gets the most comfort. But did you know that sleeping on the left side can bring you many benefits? Many people also know that lying on the left side while sleeping has many benefits for our body. Many ailments such as heart disease, stomach upset, fatigue, bloating and other physical problems can be cured only by sleeping on the left side. Here we are telling you how sleeping on the left side is good for health.

Meals are digested with relief

Sleeping on the left side will be more effective if you want to digest your food. Sleeping in this type of position does not put any pressure on the digestive system and it does its job easily.

Beneficial for liver and kidneys

 The liver and kidneys are the only ones that get the most out of our bodies. That is why it should not be put under more pressure while sleeping.

Eliminates indigestion

For those who suffer from indigestion and indigestion, the doctor advises sleeping on the left side.

Stomach will be cleansed comfortably Sleeping in this position helps Gravity to relax food from the small intestine to the large intestine. Because of this, the stomach is easily emptied in the morning.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ 1

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ 2

Keep the heart healthy

People who sleep in the wrong position at night have a weight on the heart. The correct sleeping position at night is on the left side. This results in less weight on the heart and a better supply of blood to the heart. Now if the heart is healthy then the supply of blood and oxygen will easily reach the body and brain.

Relief from acidity

If you have acidity after waking up every morning, understand that you were sleeping in the wrong position. But if you sleep on the left side, the stomach acid will go down instead of up, which will not cause acidity and chest irritation. Resting with a back pain It is believed that people who sleep on the left side do not put weight on their back bones and also get rest from the back pain. Doing so also leads to better sleep. Relief from Pregnancy Symptoms Sleeping left in pregnancy brings relief from whatever symptoms are present. Such as back pain or muscle aches etc. This is why this position lowers pressure from the back and liver and increases blood flow to the kidneys and infant.

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الثلاثاء، 15 فبراير 2022

Find Out Why Brain Is Harmful To The Body

Find Out Why Brain Is Harmful To The Body

Digestion is disturbed
Brains are thin and sticky due to lack of dietary fiber. Therefore, whenever one consumes lamb, one cannot fully digest it and some part of it gets stuck in the intestines. This causes constipation and digestive problems.

Brains are not good for the heart
If you are a diabetic, be careful not to eat anything made from mutton. Eating almonds raises blood sugar levels rapidly. At the same time, blood glucose starts to build up. The production of chemical reactions in the body increases the risk of arthritis, cataracts and heart disease.
Brains are found in everyone's kitchen. It is very harmful to health. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Eating it harms the body immediately. There is a lot of damage after consuming it for a long time. Today we will tell you about the harms of consuming sheep.

If Flour Is Beneficial Then Why Is It Harmful?

Both almonds and flour are made from wheat. The way it is made is quite different. When making flour, the golden layer on top of the wheat is allowed to remain in the flour. It is the best source of dietary fiber. The flour is ground a little less. So that the nutrients in the wheat are not further destroyed, however, the white part of the wheat is taken to the PC by removing the top layer of the wheat before making the raisins. This destroys the nutrients in the ground.

Chemical Bleach Comes From Whitening In Sheep

Wheat is bleached with chemicals after taking PC to give the lamb more whiteness and shine. Bleaching is done with oxide, chlorine dioxide on calcium to prepare the ground. These chemicals have a bad effect on health.

Bad For The Stomach

The nuts are very sticky and smooth. It has difficulty in digestion due to lack of dietary fiber. Due to which it gets stuck in the intestines and becomes a danger for many diseases. Consuming it causes constipation.

Increases Cholesterol And Obesity

Obesity is increased due to high starch content in sheep. Excessive intake of it increases cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.


Consumption of mutton weakens the immune system and increases the risk of disease. To stay healthy, you should consume very little lamb.

અહીંથી વાચોગુજરાતી રિપોર્ટ

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الثلاثاء، 8 فبراير 2022

If you want to lose weight fast, eat these 5 things on an empty stomach from today, you will become slim in a few days

If you want to lose weight fast, eat these 5 things on an empty stomach from today, you will become slim in a few days

ઝડપથી વજન ઘટાડવા માંગો છો તો આજથી જ ખાલી પેટ ખાઓ આ 5 વસ્તુઓ, થોડા દિવસોમાં જ થઈ જશો સ્લિમ

This news is for you if you are overweight and want to lose weight. In this fragmented life, people do not pay attention to their bodies. Nothing eats food. For those who are fond of eating and drinking, dieting becomes difficult. Drink as much water as possible to lose weight. This is because drinking water flushes toxins out of the body. Which will increase your metabolism and burn calories faster..
Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness

Here are 8 more tips to lose weight faster:

  1. Eat a high protein breakfast. ...
  2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. ...
  3. Drink water before meals. ...
  4. Choose weight-loss-friendly foods. ...
  5. Eat soluble fiber. ...
  6. Drink coffee or tea. ...
  7. Base your diet on whole foods. ...
  8. Eat slowly.


Eating an apple on an empty stomach in the morning will help you lose weight.
You can also drink apple juice. This is because apples contain certain types of antioxidants. Which helps in reducing your weight as well as keeping you healthy.


Oatmeal is an important source for weight loss. It is rich in protein. It is also mild to eat. It also helps you lose weight.


You can have Idli for breakfast in the morning. Idli-sambar is mild. It is rich in protein. Advises to consume it for weight loss.

4.Mix honey in hot water and drink

Mixing honey in warm water and drinking it also helps in weight loss. If you drink two teaspoons of honey mixed in warm water on an empty stomach, you will start losing weight in a few weeks.


Read details in Gujarati


Getting up in the morning on an empty stomach and chewing two cloves of garlic and then drinking a glass of lemon water helps to lose weight.

How to Body Wrap to Lose Fat & Inches

Want to lose inches fast? Body wrap treatments are a quick way to lose inches in the belly, abdominal, or stomach area. Body wraps also detoxify, exfoliate and soften skin. Spas offer expensive body wrap treatments. A cheaper alternative is to do it yourself at home. Body wrap kits can be purchased or you can create your own wrap with a simple body wrap recipe.

Whichever route you choose, here are some helpful tips to get the most out of your body wrap experience. Warm your room so that you can lie down comfortably and quietly. Use plastic drop sheets to minimize the mess, one to set your bucket on and another to lie on. Light candles, burn essential oils and play soft relaxation music. Take a warm shower before applying the wrap to open your pores. Drink lots of water before, during, and after the treatment to help flush out toxins. Have a hot bath a couple of days following the treatment to release accumulated toxins. Avoid caffeine, sugar, fried fatty foods, soda and alcohol for the next 48 hours.

Going to the spa and getting a body wrap is simple, just relax. Performing a body wrap at home is relatively simple. If you are using a premixed wrap kit, follow the accompanying instructions. You can also create your own mixture following a body wrap recipe.

If you are using a do-it-yourself recipe, first assemble the necessary ingredients. These vary by wrap, but a common recipe uses green clay, olive oil, sea salt, water and herbs. Measure out 1 cup green clay, 2 tablespoons olive oil, ¼ cup sea salt and 2 cups water. Select desired herbs from herbs and essential oils, such as sage, lemongrass, rosemary, lavender, grapefruit, ground basil, rose petal powder, ginger root powder, neem powder, rosehip powder, alfalfa leaf powder.

To begin, boil the water and stir in the sea salt until it dissolves. Add the olive oil, green clay and selected herbs and oils. Stir until a paste forms and set the mixture aside to cool. Once the paste is cool enough to handle, apply to the skin using a paintbrush or your hands. Begin application at your ankles and work upwards.
To cover the mixture, you can use either plain towels (keep in mind that the mixture may not completely wash out afterwards) or cut an old sheet into three-inch wide strips. Cover the mixture with slight tension. Leave the wraps for one hour before removing. Take a cool or lukewarm bath to remove the paste.

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الاثنين، 10 يناير 2022

These things need to be kept in mind while wearing a medical mask

These things need to be kept in mind while wearing a medical mask

  • Wear the mask carefully. Make sure it covers the mouth, nose and chin. Then tie it in such a way that there is no gap on the face.
  • Avoid touching the mask while wearing it
  • The mask must be removed properly. The front of the mask should not be touched at that time. Remove the mask from the back of the ear.
  • Use an alcohol-based hand rub to clean hands if you accidentally touch a mask. If dirt is found on the hands, clean it first with soap and then with water.
  • If the mask is damaged, replace it immediately with a clean and dry mask.
  • Do not use a single use mask a second time. Once used, dispose of it properly

These things need to be kept in mind while wearing a medical mask

Here are 7 things to keep in mind when choosing and wearing a mask

1. Whether your mask is too big or too small
Choose the right fitting mask for you because choosing the wrong fitting mask will require you to touch frequently to adjust. If the mask is small it will not cover your nose and mouth. If it is too big, there will be a gap on the face. So, choose the right size.

2. Adjust the mask frequently
You adjust the mask slightly to wipe the sweat off your face or to breathe. However, this activity is incorrect. Touching a mask or face with dirty hands is a bad habit and increases the risk of infection. Before touching the mask, remember where you last touched it or avoid touching the mask altogether.

3. There is no point in wearing a mask if the nose stays out

Many people keep out of the nose mask for heat or various other reasons. This is very dangerous. Cover the mouth and nose completely with the mask if you are out. There is no benefit to wearing a mask if the nose comes out.

4. Remove the mask to communicate
The main reason for wearing a mask is to trap droplets. If you take off your mask and talk to someone, the droplets from the other person's mouth will reach you. Also, the droplets that come out of your mouth can reach another person. This condition increases the risk of infection. Do not communicate without removing the mask.

5. You are removing the mask incorrectly
Do not touch the mask further. If you want to remove the mask, open the stalk at the back. Open the mask straps from the back of the ears or head and remove them comfortably. Dispose of the mask immediately after removing it and sanitize the hands.

6. Frequent side change
Take care of the side when wearing a clothing mask. The virus sitting on the mask can reach inside your body due to frequent side changes.

તમારો N95 માસ્ક ખરેખર અસલી છે? વાઇરસ સામે કેટલો સુરક્ષિત છે, જાણો A to Z માહિતી 
7. Do not keep the mask under the beard
Do not bring the mask under the beard while talking or eating. It is better to remove the mask completely as the beard is not already covered and is frequently touched. In such cases, wearing a mask in place of a beard can cause infection. If you want to remove the mask, remove it carefully.

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الجمعة، 19 نوفمبر 2021

Identify Depression And Treat It For Depression

Identify Depression And Treat It For Depression

You may be shocked to learn that India ranks first in terms of youth suicides as declared by the WHO last year.  It is estimated that 3 lakh people in the world commit suicide every year.  And India ranks first with 2.5 lakh suicides.  This means that 200 suicides a day occur in India, mainly due to depression.

 According to the National Crime Records Bureau, an average of 1 lakh people commit suicide every year during the year 2009-2013.  And compared to 2009, the number of suicides in 2012 has increased by 12%.  In 2009, 1,14,8 official cases were registered.  Which reached 1,31,8 in 2016.  Of course, Indian government figures show that an average of six suicides occur every day.

 In the year 2017, only 2.6 suicides have been reported in Gujarat.  Gujarat accounts for 4.5 per cent of India's total suicides.  Last year, a total of 4.5 people between the ages of 18 and 30 committed suicide in India.  It covers all issues ranging from study failure to unemployment as well as relationship issues.  This will only be resolved if everything from our society to the government does something about the depressing environment that has been created for suicide.  Psychologists believe that the highest form of depression is suicide.  It is very important to overcome depression to prevent suicide.

 An example should be.  For the past few weeks, 21-year-old widow Manishaben has felt that life is not worth living.  I don't need anyone.  It happens to them that their family members are not protecting them properly.  When he went to the psychologist for treatment, he took the clinical history and called the family members - son, daughter, son-in-law, etc.  "We save a lot," he said.  We take great care of their health and dignity along with eating and drinking.

 Once again, the psychologist had a conversation with Manishaben.  "I feel lonely," he said.  To be honest I need a man.  There is also a fear of what the people of the society will say.  If I choose to live with someone else.  Get warm at this age, so what do people say?  The story of Manishaben's heart came out in two months.  Slowly talked to his family members about this.  All agreed and today they live a very organized, healthy life.

 In this case, Manishaben regretted losing her husband.  There was doubt as to why he would spend the rest of his life without her.  Their children were happy and settled in each other's lives.  So who is theirs now?  That question bothered him.  And in the end, their childhood rites and the fear of what people would say were all mixed up as they proceeded to get the warmth of others (men). So they cried and could not speak their minds to anyone.

 Many people in our society are mentally anxious.  What do Meenakumari, Marilyn, Monroe, Princess, Diana, Virginia Woolf, Winston Churchill have in common?  Do you know?  All were patients of depression.  Almost everyone in life experiences frustration from time to time.  Even if this condition lasts for a long time, it is known as depression.  We simply tell the depressed person to let go of despair, get rid of worries, be happy etc etc .. No matter how many so called Messiahs, modern gurus, success educators etc make such efforts, but depression is not a problem to be easily removed.  At least one out of every 20 adults needs medical treatment.  In the field of psychiatry, depression is as common as mental illness.  Depression can affect anyone except the newborn, regardless of age, gender, caste, wealth, or reputation.  Sometimes it is expressed, sometimes it does not.

Treatment of depression

 Depression can have biological, psychological, socio-cultural or other causes.  There is no test to diagnose depression.  For this, depression can be identified by psychological tests and clinical diagnosis. Treatment of depression is possible in different ways including:

 Antidepressant drugs.


 Cognitive therapy.

 Behavior therapy.

 Hypnosis therapy.

 Group therapy

 Includes family therapy etc.

 In most cases, the patient can be cured if the right amount of medication and psychotherapy are continued in a balanced manner.  Psychological treatment or help is needed by anyone at any time.  Sometimes people even go for counseling.  Attitudes towards psychiatrists in our country are now rapidly changing.  If we all get rid of the social stigma attached to mental distress, many will enjoy rejuvenation as human beings.

 Suggestions for Avoiding Depression

 Eat a regular and balanced diet.

 Controlling the amount of caffeine and sugar.

 Exercise for 30-40 minutes every day or run, run or cycle.

 Always wear clean and good clothes, meet different people.

 Develop a sense of humor.

 Watching comedy serials, dramas or movies.

 How can you help a depressed person?

 Show empathy for what is happening to them.

 Suggestions and talks to boost their confidence.

 Inform them of their strengths and limitations.

 Peacefully listen to them actively.

 Have the patient slowly acknowledge that the situation is similar to theirs, meaning that they are not alone in this world.

 Never ignore suicide or other threats.

 Suggest to see an expert if needed.

Identify Depression And Treat It For Depression

 Not to disturb the daily routine as well as the body clock.

 Teaching relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, self hypnosis etc.

 Master Mind: If we go to a specialist to get rid of mental anguish or anxiety, it is not said that there is madness.  If headaches do not go to the physician, then why not go to a psychologist in anxiety or despair?

Identify Depression And Treat It For Depression

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