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الخميس، 29 سبتمبر 2022

Your old photos can be corrupted on Google Photos, the company engaged in fixing the flaw

Your old photos can be corrupted on Google photos, the company engaged in fixing the excrescence 

New Delhi. In the last many days, Google photos druggies have complained about their old photos being corrupted. 


Actually, these druggies scrolled through their old filmland to refresh some of their old recollections. During this, he noticed that his old filmland saved in the Google photos app had water spots. With this, the color of his filmland also got putrefied. 

This bug in Google photos seems to be quite a big bone as it's reportedly affecting both Android and iOS apps. According to complaints seen by 9to5Google, the images that were saved in Google photos looked strange. 

The flaws are also visible in the download photo,

 according to the report, a stoner posted a loose picture of his tykes . Some lines were visible on this picture. This picture sounded to have been edited by someone who doesn't know how to edit. druggies said that these excrescencies are also coming in the downloaded interpretation. Issues are showing up in both particular Downloads and Google Takeout. 


Photos saved in this format are safe

, as per reports, if you have saved your photos in the original format, it preserves the original resolution and details. In this case, your photos are doubtful to be corrupted, but if you have saved photos using options other than the original print, also deep cracks and fleck patterns are likely to appear in them. 


Google is removing the flaw, in

such a situation you can not avoid this bug and until Google doesn't fix this excrescence, your filmland aren't likely to come in size. Meanwhile, Google has taken cognizance of the bug. The company says that it's apprehensive of the problem and is amending it. It's anticipated that Google will roll out a fix for the bug in the coming days. 

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